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The search for extrasolar planets is currently undergoing a seismic shift. With the deployment of the Kepler Space Telescope and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), scientists discovered thousands of exoplanets, most of which were detected and confirmed using indirect methods. But in more recent years, and with the launch of the James Webb Space … Continue reading “Will We Know if TRAPPIST-1e has Life?”

Read More about Exploring TRAPPIST-1e: Prospects for Detecting Signs of Life

Working closely with the royal family can be quite challenging. The royals maintain packed schedules and are constantly under public scrutiny, which means their staff members are equally busy. Despite the demanding nature of their roles, palace aides typically refrain from sharing details about their experiences with the renowned family. However, Samantha Cohen, who dedicated …

Read More about Revealing Insights: Former Royal Aide Unveils the Real Palace Life