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Woman Sentenced to Two Life Terms for 2019 Double Murder

Lewisburg, West Virginia (WVVA) – An individual has been handed a life sentence for two counts of first-degree murder.

Terri Storer, a 49-year-old resident of Charles Town, was given two consecutive life sentences at the Greenbrier County Courthouse in Lewisburg. This ruling comes after Storer was found guilty of fatally shooting Jeremiah Thomas, 33, and his wife Jennifer, 34, on November 29, 2019.

During the sentencing at the courthouse, Storer’s defense team attempted to request a retrial, arguing that the evidence presented during the trial did not demonstrate malice, intent, or premeditation. Despite this motion being denied by Judge Richardson, Storer was granted an opportunity to address the courtroom before the sentencing proceeded.

Storer stated that she shot Jeremiah and Jennifer in defense of her friend following a dispute over trespassing on hunting grounds. Jeremiah sustained six gunshot wounds out of the eight rounds fired at him, while Jennifer was shot once in the heart.

Expressing her perspective, Storer mentioned, “I acted in the heat of the moment without any time to contemplate. I couldn’t stand by and witness my friend’s demise. As a mother primarily, my only wish is to reunite with my child and continue raising him with my spouse. The last thing I desired was harm to anyone. I was not willing to witness a tragedy unfold. I believe anyone in my situation that night would have reacted similarly.”

Karen Blankenship, Jeremiah’s mother, also addressed the court, highlighting the profound impact of her son and daughter-in-law’s tragic deaths on their family.

“You have shattered our lives. Each day, we grapple with the repercussions of your decision to fatally shoot my son and his wife,” Blankenship directed her words towards Storer. “Their child will never experience their affectionate embraces again. His mother will never have the chance to read him bedtime stories. His father will never take him fishing. He will never have a sibling. His parents will never witness his growth into adulthood, his graduation, marriage, or the joy of parenthood. Your choice to take their lives has left him parentless…We will teach him that your actions do not justify hatred in our hearts.”

During the sentencing, Judge Richardson remarked that he did not perceive any remorse in Storer’s statement.

“I acknowledge your longing to return home to your family, but that privilege has been revoked. Just as the victims of your crime were deprived of the same opportunity to be with their loved ones,” he conveyed.

Following the sentencing, Greenbrier County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Ryan Blake shared the state’s perspective on the resolution of this prolonged legal battle.

“No sentence can undo the devastation inflicted upon the family in this case,” Blake expressed. “Nonetheless, we hope that the family members of Jeremiah and Jennifer Thomas find some solace in today’s proceedings.”

Family members and close associates of Jeremiah and Jennifer opted not to provide comments to WVVA, citing the emotional strain of the day.

Storer was handed two consecutive life sentences last month, ensuring that she will not be eligible for parole during her incarceration. She retains the option to appeal the verdict by filing a notice of intent within 30 days.

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