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Life’s Unpredictable Nature Reflected in Weather

As I compose this article on Thursday, the day unfolds with unexpected surprises. Despite the forecast of rain, I was taken aback to find a blanket of snow outside upon leaving the confines of a back room where I was engrossed in a project.

To address any inquiries from acquaintances, let it be known that I did not invoke snow through prayer. Adhering to a personal principle, I refrain from supplicating for snow post-Valentine’s Day, thus absolving me of any responsibility.

The whims of the weather have been particularly capricious this winter season. Transitioning from a mild Christmas to harsh January temperatures that stung our skin and lungs upon venturing outdoors, we have experienced a medley of ice, snow, rain, and fierce winds. Amidst this tumult, intermittent bursts of sunshine have graced us, a rarity during the winter months.

The variability of weather serves as a poignant reminder of life’s inherent unpredictability.

Personally, I lean towards preparedness, a tendency my husband humorously labels as over-packing. I prefer to characterize it as being a meticulous and well-equipped packer. However, there exist storms that elude all forecasting, much like certain life events that, despite being anticipated, defy readiness. My father’s prolonged stay in palliative care, a precursor to hospice, underscored this reality. Despite the awareness of the inevitable, the exact timing of events, the remaining time, and the onset of his pain-free state remained shrouded in uncertainty.

Life mirrors this enigmatic nature. We may discern the warning signs of an impending storm, only for it to veer off its projected path, leaving us untouched. Conversely, a day that commences with radiant sunshine and tranquility may swiftly give way to an unforeseen tempest, both literally and metaphorically.

The allure of LENT lies in its essence as a preparatory season. Spanning 40 days, LENT guides us on a journey towards commemorating the pivotal event in history—the resurrection. It advocates for introspection, urging us to relinquish barriers separating us from the divine, engage in prayer, journaling, and other spiritual practices. It offers an opportunity to accumulate spiritual reserves akin to packing essentials for an unforeseen voyage.

Fortuitously, ADVENT serves a similar purpose, equipping us with the tools necessary for unanticipated journeys. When my father transitioned to hospice and eventually passed away, I found solace in the preparations fostered during ADVENT and LENT, cultivating enduring virtues.

Consider the following suggestions for relinquishment and adoption during this 40-day period:

Things to Give Up:

  • A habitual TV program in favor of indulging in enriching reads.
  • Negative self-talk or gossip about others.
  • Endless scrolling through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Reels.

Things to Embrace:

  • Documenting prayers and tracking their answers to center your thoughts on divine benevolence.
  • Following a structured Bible reading plan.
  • Offering genuine compliments to uplift others.
  • Engaging in random acts of kindness.

Embrace this transformative journey wholeheartedly!