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Reviving Felix: The Postscript’s Tale

by Carrie Classon

The previous evening unfolded rather tranquilly, considering the circumstances.

I cautioned my husband, Peter, not to anticipate a restful night’s sleep. This advice stemmed from the fact that Peter had never owned a cat prior to yesterday when we welcomed one into our home.

While I have cared for several feline companions over the years, my last cat, Lucy, passed away shortly before I met Peter a decade ago. On the contrary, Peter has been a lifelong dog owner and possesses minimal knowledge about cats, making him an intriguing figure to every feline he encounters.

Our decision to adopt a Mexican cat and integrate it into our lives, both in Mexico and the U.S., materialized last Saturday when we met Felix.

Felix, an adolescent cat of indeterminate age due to his stray origins, was estimated to be around 5 months old by the compassionate women who rescued him. Marcela, along with her sister Elena and Elena’s daughter Daniela, brought Felix for his inaugural visit. To my surprise, Felix exhibited remarkable composure, lounging on the sofa as if contemplating a nap.

“What a laid-back kitty!” I remarked.

“He’s quite relaxed,” affirmed Elena.

Following the acquisition of essential supplies, Felix officially moved in with us. Observing Daniela, a 13-year-old aspiring veterinarian, I sensed a tinge of melancholy.

“Will you miss him?” I inquired. Daniela nodded wistfully. However, upon showcasing the new litter box, carrier for future travels, plush bed, and matching bowls I had procured for Felix, Daniela seemed reassured. She entrusted her little protege to us for his inaugural night.

Initially, Felix dozed peacefully—until the quietude was disrupted in the wee hours.

“What’s that noise?” Peter, who habitually wears earplugs while in Mexico, was roused by the commotion outside our bedroom. Investigating the disturbance, I discovered minor mischief had occurred overnight. The garbage can lay overturned, with crumbs of bread scattered across the floor.

“Oh, Felix!” I exclaimed.

Felix hurried over, affectionately nuzzling against me before prancing around as I tidied up the crumbs, all the while emitting a contented purr.

We eventually drifted back to sleep, only to be roused again by persistent meowing later in the night.

Marcela and Elena, known for rescuing street animals, currently harbored 11 dogs and three cats, fostering a lively household ambiance. Upon waking, Felix found himself alone in the room—an unexpected scenario, I surmised.

“Felix!” I called out. “We’re over here!” Responding promptly, Felix bounded onto the bed, encountering the two foreigners beneath the covers, prompting another round of purring.

Thus far, Felix appears content in his newfound abode. He has uncovered Peter’s bedside table as a treasure trove of playthings to be knocked around during nocturnal escapades. The garbage can has revealed itself as a source of amusement, along with the discovery of two slumbering individuals in bed who, if needed, are willing to provide chin scratches.

It seems Felix is adjusting well to his new life.

Until we meet again,
