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Reflecting on a Century: 101-Year-Old Stockton Veteran Recalls World War II Memories

Dr. Marvin Lee Lykins recently marked his 101st birthday, reflecting on a life filled with blessings in an interview with The Stockton Record. Grateful for the presence of God in his life, he acknowledged the abundance of family, friends, and fortune that has enriched his journey, allowing him to rest peacefully each night.

The celebration of Lykins’ milestone took place on January 17 at his residence in Oakmont of Brookside, where Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln and other local officials joined in the festivities. Described as a pleasant and kind-hearted individual by Oakmont of Brookside’s marketing director, Roxeanne Jewell-Richardson, Lykins was further honored with a casino-themed party at his daughter’s home, surrounded by loved ones.

Born in Oklahoma in 1923, Lykins moved to Los Angeles at a young age and later served as a medical technician in the U.S. Army during World War II. Following his military service, he pursued higher education, attending UCLA and eventually obtaining a doctorate in osteopathy. It was during his time in medical school that he met his beloved wife, Frances, whom he fondly referred to as the love of his life.

Transitioning into a career as a family physician, Lykins dedicated nearly four decades to his practice, embodying his commitment to both his profession and his family. Despite his busy schedule, he assisted in delivering his firstborn son and later welcomed two daughters into the family. His unwavering devotion to his loved ones was evident throughout his life, especially as he cared for his wife during her battle with Alzheimer’s until her passing in 2017.

Reflecting on his experiences, Lykins expressed a poignant regret regarding prioritizing work over spending time with his children, emphasizing the importance of balancing personal and professional responsibilities. When questioned about the secret to his longevity, he humbly dismissed the notion of possessing insider knowledge, attributing his well-being to a healthy lifestyle devoid of smoking or drug use, coupled with regular exercise.

Offering advice to younger generations, Lykins emphasized the significance of pursuing passions wholeheartedly and cultivating a positive outlook towards others. His daily routine at 101 years old includes early mornings, leisurely activities, and a steadfast commitment to maintaining a fulfilling life.

As his daughter, Diana Larson, aptly summarizes, Dr. Marvin Lee Lykins serves as an exemplary role model—a beacon of wisdom, compassion, and dedication to both his profession and his family.