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Review: ‘The Goat Life’ – Prithviraj’s Intense Survival Drama Walks a Fine Line Between Grit and Monotony

Transformative Struggles in ‘The Goat Life’

Blessy’s film ‘The Goat Life’ delves deep into the human spirit’s resilience through the story of Najeeb, a man trapped in near-slavery on a remote goat farm in the desert. Based on a true story and Benyamin’s widely read Malayalam novel, the film explores not just the physical hardships but the profound psychological transformations Najeeb undergoes. From grappling with language barriers upon his arrival in Saudi Arabia to losing his ability to speak from years of isolation and maltreatment, the narrative is punctuated with intense moments of both suffering and subtle personal victories.

Cinematic Execution and Performances

While the film faithfully adheres to the book’s narrative, it introduces cinematic nuances that attempt to elevate the source material without diverging from its essence. Prithviraj delivers a powerful performance, embodying Najeeb’s physical and emotional metamorphosis which stands out as a career-best. The depiction of his life’s stark contrasts, from the verdant landscapes of his homeland to the harsh, expansive desert, adds a poignant visual layer to his journey of survival and momentary escapes from his grim reality.

Musical Score and Repetitive Elements

A.R. Rahman’s soundtrack subtly complements the film’s setting with standout pieces that resonate with Najeeb’s journey, providing emotional depth to the narrative. However, the film’s pacing suffers from a tendency towards monotony, mirroring the protagonist’s endless days in the desert with repetitive sequences that sometimes fail to propel the narrative forward. While ‘The Goat Life’ is undeniably a testament to the strenuous efforts of its cast and crew, it occasionally struggles to maintain the viewer’s engagement, leaving an impression of wanting more narrative depth to match its visual and performative intensity.