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Exclusive Interview with Midland Christian Educators Arrested: Insights into Life Amid Legal Battle

MIDLAND, Texas (KOSA) – The City of Midland is seeking to reject a motion filed by five educators from Midland Christian, alleging that city officials were aware of the educators’ wrongful arrests.

In February 2022, five employees of Midland Christian school were arrested by the Midland Police Department for allegedly failing to report an incident with the intention of concealing neglect or abuse.

These educators, who were arrested almost two years ago, are now speaking out about the unjust arrests and their pursuit of justice.

Jennifer Brevorka, a Partner at Rusty Hardon and Associates, stated, “We are pursuing justice and aiming to bring to light, in the most public manner possible, how our clients’ lives were shattered and derailed simply for carrying out their duties as educators.”

Following a grand jury’s decision in Midland that there was insufficient evidence to proceed to trial, the five educators initiated a lawsuit against the city and the arresting officers.

Recently, the educators’ legal team amended one of their complaints against the city, naming the city manager, mayor, police chief, and district attorney. These officials were not listed as individual defendants but were included based on their alleged approval of the arrests. The city has now moved to dismiss these additions.

Brevorka explained, “The new details in the amended complaint outline the circumstances of the wrongful re-arrest of three of our clients in November 2022, following the initiation of the current litigation. This arrest was entirely fabricated in retaliation for the lawsuit.”

Two of the arrested individuals, Dana Ellis and Jared Lee, were also among the three re-arrested later in 2022.

Jared Lee, Former Superintendent of Midland Christian, expressed, “It’s challenging to articulate the impact, but it has completely derailed my career and the careers of four outstanding educators.”

Dana Ellis, Former Principal of Midland Christian, added, “My children were in high school when this occurred, and as devastating as it was for me as a mother, witnessing their ordeal was equally heartbreaking. I cared deeply for the 800 students I was responsible for, and seeing them affected was equally distressing.”

Both Ellis and Lee have deep roots in the Midland Christian community, having graduated from the school and returned to teach because it felt like home to them.

However, since the arrests nearly two years ago, these five educators have not returned to the classroom, with Ellis even relocating from Midland.

“I had to find a safer environment where my children could trust those around them, and unfortunately, that was no longer in Midland,” shared Ellis.

Lee reflected, “My father served as superintendent for 33 years, and this was my life’s work. For many teachers, it’s not just a job but a calling and a ministry. This ordeal not only ended my career but also my calling.”

The prosecution alleges that both arrests were made without sufficient evidence, leading to a false narrative within the community.

The educators are hopeful that their reputations will be restored, and they advocate for improved practices by the city in handling future cases.

Although attempts were made to obtain a statement from the city, they declined to comment due to the ongoing legal proceedings.

We will provide updates as more information becomes available on this matter.

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