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Biden’s Policy on Insane Asylums: A Boon for Criminals?

Imagine being a robust young man who relied on a knife and a firearm for livelihood in Venezuela, Honduras, or Haiti.

Upon reaching the American-Mexican border without documentation, you are guided by progressive attorneys to assert your asylum claim to a busy border patrol agent, who, preoccupied with processing numerous individuals, overlooks the validity of your plea.

Welcomed by the Catholic Charities with open arms, you are showered with gifts and treated as a persecuted migrant, despite lacking a genuine basis for asylum.

Accepting a bus ticket to New York, you are amazed by the ease of the journey, mirroring the experiences your relatives shared about their arrival in January.

The bus ride to Manhattan’s Midtown bus terminal is lengthy yet comfortable, where you are warmly received like a long-lost family member.

Further greeted by smiling hosts who offer additional complimentary items, including a phone, you are directed to another bus transporting you to the Roosevelt Hotel on Madison Avenue.

The hotel is bustling with young men, while women vend chicken and rice from coolers, and a man receives a haircut on the street, evoking a sense of familiarity in the midst of chaos, albeit with towering structures.

Encountering an acquaintance who presents you with a “job” opportunity, you are tasked with filling a garbage bag with pharmacy items for compensation, a tempting offer considering your depleted finances after paying a cartel $10,000 for the journey.

Subsequently, you find yourself “shopping” at a nearby CVS, struck by the seamless process as employees greet you upon entry and make no attempt to impede as you gather goods into your sizable bag and exit, marveling at the perceived simplicity of it all.

Lethal Ramifications

While this narrative is not based on an actual migrant, it reflects the reality of numerous young migrants, a depiction highlighted by a recent Bloomberg News headline: “Venezuela’s Violent Deaths Fall to 22-Year Low on Migration.”

This headline preceded the tragic murder of a 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia, drawing attention during the State of the Union address due to the perpetrator, Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal Venezuelan immigrant with a lengthy criminal record, labeled a “menace to society” by The Daily Signal.

Similarly, a self-proclaimed migrant influencer glorifying his arrival in the U.S. on social media, flaunting money and advocating for illegal actions, found himself in federal custody, promoting a concerning trend of exploiting abandoned properties.

Armed Occupation

A distressing account in the Sunday Post recounted the occupation of a Bronx residence by eight migrants, including an armed Venezuelan individual, resulting in a police intervention following a neighbor’s report about the armed occupant.

Despite the gravity of the situation, several individuals were promptly released by Judge Eugene Bowen, known for liberating offenders swiftly, as evidenced by prior incidents like releasing individuals involved in assaulting a police officer.

The prevailing scenario in New York reflects a convergence of decisions leading to severe repercussions on public safety and quality of life, exacerbated by President Biden’s lenient border policies and the leniency within the criminal justice system.

The escalating crime wave, coupled with the influx of unvetted migrants, poses a significant challenge to the city, with businesses suffering losses due to theft and employees facing risks, ultimately impacting law-abiding citizens.

The indifference exhibited by officials towards these escalating issues underscores the stark reality that the government’s purported assistance is often a fallacy.