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Heroic Sophomore Saves Classmate on Her Second Day at Eisenhower High

A New Student’s Quick Response Saves a Life

Yenedy Reys-Pardo, a newcomer at Eisenhower High School, exhibited remarkable bravery and quick thinking on just her second day. During a routine swim in physical education class, she noticed her new friend struggling in the water. Without hesitation, Yenedy lifted her friend from the water and called for help, a vital action that likely saved her classmate’s life.

Background and Preparation for Emergency Situations

Originally from Colombia, where she had learned crucial first aid skills, Yenedy understood the importance of prompt emergency response. This training was instrumental in her ability to act decisively during the crisis. Her mother, Daiilyn Pardo, shared her immense pride in Yenedy’s actions, highlighting her daughter’s positive outlook and strong civic responsibility, traits that shine even as the family navigates their asylum-seeking process in the U.S.

Community and Staff Rally to Prevent Tragedy

The quick response from Eisenhower High School’s staff and students was crucial in ensuring the safety of Yenedy’s classmate. Physical education teachers and the school nurse coordinated efficiently to provide immediate care, emphasizing the school’s commitment to student welfare. This incident not only showcased Yenedy’s heroism but also reinforced the community’s readiness to support and protect one another in times of need.