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Lifestyle: God’s Inquiries – Are You Fit for Life?

By Matt Espeut, Health & Lifestyle Contributor

During a recent conference, I participated in an exercise led by a speaker aiming to guide us towards self-improvement in the coming year. The project was titled: “How to embody your true self in 2024.”

The speaker provided a worksheet with insightful questions to facilitate self-analysis, develop a strategic plan, and outline a step-by-step process to set and achieve personal goals. In this article, I will outline this process to help you benefit from it as well.

The initial question to ponder is: Where do you currently stand?

This question delves deep, urging you to provide yourself with candid feedback. Self-awareness stands as the primary factor influencing whether you initiate positive changes in your life. By accurately assessing your present situation, you can identify areas for improvement and chart a course towards personal growth.

When evaluating your status, rely on data rather than emotions or subjective judgment. In my financial assessments, I rely on business metrics to gauge our progress and goal attainment. Sometimes, despite feeling productive, the numbers on the balance sheet reveal a different reality.

This principle extends to fitness and weight loss objectives. For instance, if an individual claims to be putting in the effort but sees no improvement in their body scan results, we utilize data to guide them towards effective strategies for progress, steering them away from the misconception of being on the right track.

Therefore, take a moment to honestly acknowledge aspects such as being in a $10,000 debt, carrying an excess weight of 20 pounds, or experiencing work-related stress due to excessive hours. Jot down areas that require attention to bring clarity to your path of improvement.

Subsequently, identify “What is hindering your progress.” More often than not, it’s excuses that limit our potential and lead us to settle for mediocrity. Whether it’s self-doubt about intelligence, technological proficiency, or attributing setbacks to external factors like work demands or family obligations, these narratives hinder our growth.

Despite real challenges such as understaffing, space constraints, or physical injuries, solutions exist for those willing to seek them out. It’s time to shift from a negative to a positive mindset. Each day presents a choice between surrendering or embracing resilience. The pivotal factor in life lies in the decision to persevere rather than give up. Shed the excuses, take action, and liberate yourself from stagnation.

What initial steps can you take to address these challenges? This question is crucial as progress necessitates a gradual, step-by-step approach. By focusing on one area at a time and achieving milestones before moving on to the next, you avoid overwhelm and increase the likelihood of success.

Attempting to tackle everything simultaneously sets you up for failure. At Providence Fit Body Boot Camp, when introducing individuals to a nutrition program, we implement changes gradually. For instance, starting with increased water intake before progressing to a focus on protein consumption. Once these habits are established, additional adjustments can be made in a systematic manner.

Similarly, if enhancing your income is a goal, your initial step might involve generating more leads, seeking referrals, running advertisements, or reducing time spent on non-productive activities like excessive TV viewing or aimless internet browsing. Prioritizing tasks is essential; if everything is urgent, nothing truly is. For those well-versed in sports statistics but struggling financially, reallocating time efficiently becomes paramount.

Where can you push yourself further? Honest self-assessment is critical in identifying areas where you can enhance your efforts or foster growth.

Continuous improvement in leadership skills, for instance, can amplify your impact as a leader, empowering your team to excel. The journey towards becoming a better leader is ongoing, devoid of a definitive endpoint or certification.

In the realm of health and fitness, there’s always room for improvement. By increasing gym attendance and refining your nutritional choices, you can unlock your potential in this domain unless you already adhere to a flawless regimen of six weekly workouts.

Reflect on the question: Who were you meant to be? Envision a scenario where you’re at heaven’s gates, confronted by a divine inquiry about fulfilling your intended purpose, living a fulfilling life, and aiding others along the way.

God’s design does not align with sickness, obesity, financial struggles, or a victim mentality characterized by blame-shifting and entitlement. Humans are meant to be robust, healthy, self-sufficient individuals who extend a helping hand to fellow beings.

When contemplating your true purpose, consider revising your plan and setting new goals to evolve into the best version of yourself.

Engage with these questions, identify areas for growth, and strive for self-improvement so that when the time comes to answer to a higher calling, you can confidently respond with a resounding “yes!”