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Honoring Their Late Daughter: Establishing a Nonprofit to Celebrate Her ‘Big Beautiful Life’

ESSEX, Vt. —

In Essex, Vermont, a mother is channeling her grief into a positive initiative. Through a newly established non-profit organization, Tammy Carroll is dedicated to supporting families with children facing chronic medical challenges.

Describing children in medical crises as an underserved demographic, Carroll emphasized the importance of community support. The inspiration behind this endeavor stems from the loss of her daughter, Addi, in 2022 at the age of 12. Addi, who had gained recognition in Essex as an honorary member of the local fire department, battled a severe and poorly understood illness involving bone marrow and blood disorders. Her frequent hospitalizations shed light on the profound isolation experienced by families navigating complex health conditions.

Recognizing the transformative power of community, Carroll articulated her vision for assisting families in similar situations to thrive. The newly launched non-profit, Big Beautiful Life, provides tailored comfort kits to children in prolonged medical crises, featuring handmade quilts and thoughtful gifts. Moreover, the organization extends steadfast support to families throughout their medical journeys, offering solace even beyond bereavement.

The upcoming second annual Big Beautiful Life Run, Walk, & Roll event on June 9 aims to raise funds for ongoing support initiatives for children in medical crises. This event not only serves as a fundraiser but also aims to raise awareness about organizations dedicated to aiding such families.

For Carroll, the mission of Big Beautiful Life is not only a means of honoring Addi’s memory but also a way to extend compassion to others enduring similar circumstances. The organization has already reached recipients in various communities, including Boston and Nebraska, garnering praise for its unwavering commitment to resilience, joy, and compassion.

In addition to their philanthropic efforts, the Carroll family is organizing a blood drive on February 10 to commemorate Addi’s legacy. Given Addi’s reliance on blood transfusions, the significance of blood donations resonates deeply with the family, underscoring the lifesaving impact of such contributions.

As the need for blood donations remains critical, with a substantial number of appointment slots unfilled across Vermont, community members are encouraged to participate in these vital initiatives. The blood drive, scheduled at Founders Memorial School in Essex Junction, presents an opportunity for individuals to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

Beyond the immediate blood drive, individuals can contribute to the cause through upcoming donation opportunities in the Burlington area. By supporting these initiatives, individuals can honor Addi’s memory while making a meaningful impact on the lives of others.