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Ashford Reveals Insights into His Life Beyond the Football Field

The allure of vying for a QB1 position in the SEC was undoubtedly appealing, but the decision to choose South Carolina went beyond that singular factor.

Hailing from Hoover, Ala., Ashford was reluctant to venture too far from his family, who had always been a pillar of support for him.

For nearly two decades, his mother, Meloney, has been grappling with breathing difficulties stemming from injuries sustained in a car crash. The aftermath of the accident left her with nine blood clots, one of which lodged in her right heart chamber. Initially, medical professionals held little hope for Meloney’s survival, believing she wouldn’t make it through the night.

“Currently, she breathes at about 57 percent capacity, essentially functioning with just one lung,” Ashford shared with the press during his inaugural media session at South Carolina. “She’s a fighter. Every step of my journey, she has stood by my side.”

Adding to the family’s challenges, shortly before Ashford’s transition from Auburn to South Carolina, his father, Robbie, received a diagnosis of throat cancer. Until that point, Ashford had kept much of his personal narrative, which predominantly revolves around his mother, private.

Now 21, Ashford feels more at ease revealing some of his adversities to the public. The passage of time, coupled with four years of collegiate experience, has imparted wisdom and maturity upon him.

“As college athletes, the external pressure we face is immense, and often underestimated,” Ashford remarked. “We may appear outwardly content, but internally, we battle profound struggles. There have been instances where I projected happiness while enduring my darkest moments. The athlete’s journey is arduous. Contrary to popular belief, we are not impervious to emotions or challenges. We grapple with real-life issues. Mental health is a genuine concern—I’ve confronted it, as have many others.”

Life seldom unfolds as anticipated. Challenges arise, and the path forward is not always smooth. In certain circumstances, ease may remain elusive.

Meloney epitomizes resilience. From the age of around six, Ashford approximates that his mother has undergone 20-25 surgeries to address the enduring repercussions of the car accident.

“She embodies strength and courage, qualities from which I draw my resolve,” Ashford affirmed. “During the 2022 season at Auburn, I faced significant shoulder injuries, necessitating four injections per game just to compete. This resilience mirrors my mother’s. My parents are the bedrock of my existence.”

Similar credit is extended to Ashford’s grandmother and late grandfather, as well as his sister Brandi and her spouse, a former NFL player and ex-Alabama defensive lineman.

“My brother-in-law has been a guiding presence since my childhood. His mentorship has been invaluable. I am deeply grateful for their collective influence, which sustains me and propels me forward. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Ashford acknowledged.

Tragically, Ashford’s grandfather passed away shortly before his enrollment at Oregon in 2020. Subsequently, it was his grandmother who encouraged him to have faith in himself and opt for South Carolina, even though a guaranteed starting position was not part of the package post-Auburn.

“Many individuals enter the transfer portal seeking instant gratification, but I am not wired that way,” Ashford reflected. “I thrive on competition and earning my position. While several schools offered me a starting role, none felt like the right fit. I was determined to earn the trust and respect of my coaches and teammates, a goal I knew South Carolina could facilitate. The vision articulated by Coach [Name] and Coach Shane Beamer resonated with me. Witnessing Spencer Rattler’s growth from 2022 to 2023 was inspiring. It underscores the impact of Coach D-Lo and the invaluable lessons he imparts. Despite my extensive experience as a quarterback, I am eager to absorb Coach D-Lo’s teachings and evolve into the player I aspire to become. The competition ahead is promising, with a talented cohort in our midst. We are primed to put in the work and compete earnestly. South Carolina didn’t promise me a position; they offered an opportunity to compete. As a competitor, that’s all I seek. I eschew entitlement in favor of hard-earned success. I am resolute in backing myself.”

Confidence has been a longstanding inheritance from his family.

“Believe in your capabilities. Challenges may seem insurmountable, but persistence is key to realizing your aspirations and authentic self,” Ashford emphasized.

Having a robust support system willing to make sacrifices on his behalf has been instrumental.

“While witnessing my parents’ struggles is heart-wrenching, their unwavering presence is a testament to their love and dedication. Their resilience motivates me to push harder,” Ashford acknowledged. “Amidst their own battles, they continue to stand tall, a profound source of inspiration. Their perseverance fuels my drive to excel.”