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Celebrating the Legacy of Kaycee Anseth: Art, Life, Grief, and Joy – Gallery Opening and Coffee Talk Event

The inaugural occasion, the “Art+Life+Grief+Joy” Gallery Opening, is scheduled for Thursday, May 2nd, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Presented by the Board Members and Grantees of the Kaycee Anseth Legacy Foundation, this evening guarantees a diverse and interactive presentation featuring never-before-seen original artworks by the late Kaycee Anseth, alongside fresh and captivating pieces from local artists.

Moreover, the exhibition will shed light on the significant work of the foundation she established. The primary objective of the event is to unite artists, residents, and advocates to raise awareness and crucial funds. These funds will further aid in eliminating financial barriers for Central Oregon Artists, empowering them to flourish in their artistic pursuits.

“We are thrilled to introduce this distinctive exhibition that honors the extraordinary talent of Kaycee Anseth and the lasting influence of her legacy,” expressed Cyr Beckley, the Art Director, board member, and close friend of the late artist. “This event not only celebrates art but also urges support for our regional artists, ensuring they have the necessary resources to thrive.”

Subsequently, the “Art+Life+Grief+Joy: Coffee Talk” gathering will occur on Saturday, May 18th, from 10:30 am to noon. Participants can relish coffee, pastries, and a stimulating conversation with KALF grantees, who will share their personal journeys of life, grief, and artistic growth within the community. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own mugs, while the foundation will provide coffee and pastries.

“We extend a warm invitation to all to join us for a morning of Art+Life+Grief+Joy as we listen to a diverse array of talented creators,” remarked Shanan Kelley, the Director of Development for KALF. “By participating in this event, attendees will not only engage in meaningful dialogues but also contribute to the foundation’s mission, which focuses on eliminating financial barriers for artists and nurturing a vibrant artistic community.”

Both events are open to the public, welcoming all interested individuals. The Gallery Opening and Coffee Talk sessions will be held at Scalehouse Collaborative for the Arts in downtown Bend, Oregon. The exhibition will be on display from May 2nd to May 25th.

About the Kaycee Anseth Legacy Foundation: The Kaycee Anseth Legacy Foundation (KALF) is dedicated to enhancing, healing, and uniting our community by removing financial impediments for Central Oregon artists, thereby enhancing their creative potential. In honor of the multifaceted legacy of artist, musician, and advocate Kaycee Anseth, we provide modest seed grants to creators from diverse backgrounds across the Central Oregon region. To date, we have assisted over 50 creators within our community.