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Mission to Save Lives

Waking up two and a half weeks later, Sergeant Dustin Woodmansee, an Army service member serving with the 13th Military Police Detachment at Schofield Barracks, experienced his initial sudden cardiac arrest. Upon regaining consciousness, he found himself in a hospital bed, bewildered and unable to recollect the events leading to his current state.

His memory only extended to his workout session at the gym, returning home to his Army residence at Helemano Military Reservation (HMR) in Wahiawa, and subsequently falling asleep.

In the autumn of the previous year, around 7:50 in the morning, Navy Region Hawaii’s Federal Fire Department Station 10-Engine 110 (E110) at HMR received an urgent call for assistance regarding Woodmansee experiencing a seizure at his residence.

Upon arrival, the firefighters discovered him in the midst of a cardiac arrest. Acting swiftly, they utilized an automated external defibrillator (AED) and initiated CPR, alongside providing basic life support (BLS) care. Recognizing the severity of the situation, they requested mutual aid.

Under the mutual aid agreement, the Honolulu Fire Department BLS Engine company and a Honolulu Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance promptly arrived at the scene to offer assistance.

Woodmansee was swiftly transported in critical condition to the nearest emergency department for stabilization before being transferred to Tripler Army Medical Center.

Among the FFD firefighters involved in this life-saving intervention were Curtis Yoshikane, Tyler Agtang, Norman Lugo, and Stephen Taheny.

Yoshikane, functioning as the driver operator and emergency medical technician, took charge of establishing incident command, coordinating BLS resuscitation efforts, communicating with the Regional Dispatch Center, and providing ventilation to the patient.

Tyler Agtang, a firefighter and emergency medical technician, administered the AED, performed defibrillation, conducted manual CPR, and aided in Woodmansee’s extrication for transport.

Norman Lugo, also a firefighter and emergency medical technician, engaged in CPR, provided ventilation to the patient, and assisted in preparing the patient for transport. He expressed his emotions regarding the successful life-saving mission.

Stephen Taheny, a firefighter and emergency medical technician, managed the insertion of a BLS airway adjunct, assisted with ventilation, and aided in the extrication of the patient for transport. He emphasized the significance of teamwork and communication in such critical situations.

As a first responder himself, Woodmansee deeply appreciates the efforts of the firefighters and emergency medical technicians in saving his life and expresses his gratitude towards them for their exceptional performance.

The CNRH FFD firefighters uphold the motto “Protecting those who defend America,” showcasing their commitment as exemplary models in the Department of Defense’s fire and emergency services. The collaborative efforts among these first responders, both within the federal department and in partnership with Hawaii’s emergency medical technicians, underscore the critical role of teamwork in saving lives.