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A Renewed Lease on Life: Veteran Meets the Donor Who Saved Him

A Chance Encounter with a Lifesaver

In an emotional meeting at the veteran affairs hospital in Pittsburgh, Craig Querns, a 20-year veteran, father, and grandfather, finally met the stranger whose generosity gave him a second chance at life. Querns, who urgently needed a kidney transplant, recalled the moment he learned a donor was found, describing the overwhelming relief and urgency to share the joyous news. The reunion, held under a clear blue sky and beside the American flag, symbolized a fresh beginning for Querns, filled with gratitude and renewed hope.

The Gift of a Second Chance

Ben Kornelis, hailing from Minneapolis, decided to become a living donor after seeing the profound impact organ donation had on someone close to him. His decision, driven by a deep-seated altruism, reflects a commitment to helping others that his wife, Pat, recognizes as a fundamental aspect of his character. When Querns and Kornelis met, just a week after the successful surgery, the gratitude was palpable, with Querns thanking Kornelis for the incredible gift of life.

The Ripple Effect of Organ Donation

The reunion not only marked a significant personal milestone for Querns but also underscored the critical importance of organ donation. Freed from the constraints of dialysis, Querns now looks forward to engaging in life’s simple pleasures, like swimming at the YMCA and playing with his grandchildren. This story highlights the life-altering impact of organ donors like Kornelis, particularly for those with rare blood types who face long waits for compatible donors. The act of giving, as Querns and Kornelis demonstrate, can forge profound connections and change lives in unimaginable ways.