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The Life-Saving Actions of a Vigilant CrossFit Trainer

Courtesy of Ella Combs

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After enduring 18 months of unexplained chest pain, Ella Combs was left disheartened when her doctor couldn’t pinpoint the cause and suggested she simply endure the discomfort.

“I was prescribed anti-inflammatories and antibiotics for several months, but the pain persisted. It would flare up during workouts and subside when I rested,” shared Combs, now 64, who embarked on her CrossFit journey at 58 in Clermont, FL’s Sweat Factory CrossFit.

Despite the doctor’s advice to accept the pain, Combs persisted, though it hindered her workout routine significantly.

One day, Clint Lowery, the owner of Sweat Factory CrossFit, noticed Combs struggling and intervened to inquire about her well-being.

Lowery’s response was a game-changer for Combs. “I relayed the doctors’ verdict to him, and he responded, ‘No, that’s not acceptable. You must seek further answers,’” recounted Combs of Lowery’s impactful advice.

Little did she know, heeding her coach’s words would alter the course of her life.

Realizing there might be an alternative explanation beyond her initial diagnosis was a revelation for Combs. She took Lowery’s counsel to heart, sought a third opinion, and underwent X-rays, suspecting a sternum fracture. However, the scans revealed a tear in her artery necessitating immediate surgical intervention.

In November 2019, Combs underwent life-saving open-heart surgery.

“The cardiologist warned me that if I had delayed, a critical incident would have been inevitable,” she revealed.

Following a successful surgery, Combs received overwhelming support upon her return to Sweat Factory CrossFit four months later.

Initially planning to walk a mile on her comeback, Combs was pleasantly surprised when fellow gym members joined her, turning it into a collective endeavor.

Today, Combs is back to her rigorous four-day-a-week training routine, with the gym evolving into a familial bond, inclusive of her husband, his sister, and her 80-year-old stepmother.

Combs firmly believes she owes her survival to her coach’s compassion and diligence in uncovering the underlying issue.

“He unequivocally saved my life,” she expressed. “The CrossFit community’s unwavering encouragement and backing played a pivotal role in my recovery journey. Their support and motivation were instrumental in sustaining my resilience.”

Despite grappling with kidney stones and a compromised kidney, Combs attests to being in better shape at 64 than when she initially joined the gym at 58, unable to perform a sit-up.

“Now, it’s become a passion of mine,” she affirmed. “I credit Clint (Lowery) and my gym companions for my continued existence. They’ve transformed into my extended family.”

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