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Internet Responds to Woman’s Request for Evidence of “Starting Over” at 30

After dedicating years to the corporate world, Valerie Valcourt found herself exhausted and disillusioned with life in her thirties. It dawned on her that this wasn’t the life she had envisioned, prompting her to take a courageous step of resigning from her job and relocating overseas to embark on a fresh start.

Despite the common belief that individuals should have their lives together by their thirties, Valcourt, aged 34, aims to demonstrate that this isn’t always the case. At 33, she reached a breaking point in her role as an executive assistant. She expressed to Newsweek that being reprimanded “for a job [she] didn’t like” served as the catalyst she needed to finally pursue her true passion.

Since her teenage years, Valcourt had harbored a dream of attending pastry school, and in 2023, she turned that dream into reality. By leaving her position in Seattle, Washington, she relocated to Pont-de-l’Isère in France. The decision undoubtedly paid off, as she now describes herself as “much happier.”

“I was not finding fulfillment in my previous career, especially towards the end. I was drained and eager for a change,” shared Valcourt.

Valeria Valcourt recounted her journey to pastry school at the age of 34, emphasizing that while the decision was challenging, she couldn’t be more content with her choice. Valeria Valcourt shared her experience of enrolling in pastry school at 34, highlighting the difficulty of the decision but her immense satisfaction with it. @val_demort/ TikTok

“Now, I derive immense satisfaction from working with my hands all day, constantly honing my skills as a pâtissière. France’s picturesque landscapes offer me the opportunity to explore and travel, which I adore,” added Valcourt.

For a significant period, Valcourt felt compelled to follow a conventional path, yet deep down, she knew it wasn’t her true calling. Despite making a drastic career shift, she aims to inspire others by proving that it’s never too late to pursue one’s dreams. Valcourt reassures individuals that embarking on a fresh start isn’t as daunting as it may seem, highlighting the plethora of exciting adventures awaiting those willing to take the leap.

“People often fret about starting anew in their thirties due to societal pressures dictating that everything should be meticulously planned out. However, this notion burdens us with unnecessary stress, hindering us from exploring the myriad of opportunities available if we simply open ourselves up to them,” shared Valcourt.

In January, Valcourt shared a video (@val_demort) recounting the life-altering decision she made the previous year. The clip, responding to a fellow content creator’s request for stories of fresh starts, quickly went viral, amassing over 1.1 million views and 267,300 likes.

While she didn’t anticipate the overwhelming response to her video, Valcourt was heartened by the positive feedback she received.

“I’ve received numerous comments from individuals sharing their stories of embarking on new journeys in their thirties, forties, and fifties, as well as messages expressing inspiration and encouragement. I derive immense joy from assisting others, so knowing that sharing my experience has made an impact is truly gratifying,” expressed Valcourt to Newsweek.

However, the decision wasn’t an impulsive one for Valcourt, as she had contemplated this transition for quite some time. Three years ago, she had secured admission to pastry school but deferred due to financial constraints. Reflecting on that period, she acknowledged her poor mental health, lack of confidence, and feeling of stagnation, which led her to postpone her education.

“I underestimated the state of my mental well-being, my dwindling confidence, and the overwhelming sense of paralysis I experienced at the time. This forced me to delay my schooling, marking one of the lowest points in my life,” shared Valcourt.

“It wasn’t until I found myself in a performance review, being reprimanded, that I decided, ‘Enough is enough, the time is now.’ This time around, I had savings, a healthier mindset, and began taking the necessary steps to not only secure admission to the school but also prepare for my relocation to France.”

With over 5,800 comments on her viral post, numerous users have shared their own experiences with Valcourt, commending her for her courage and resilience.

One user shared, “I’m a 29-year-old former corporate professional who got terminated in October. I’ve reignited my ballet career and am pursuing a yoga teacher certification.”

Another individual commented, “At 34, I recently moved to Barcelona and am in the process of launching my own business.”

“I really needed this!! Approaching my late twenties, I felt it was too late to start anew,” expressed a TikTok user.