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Embracing Unity: Walter Albritton’s Perspective on Living in Harmony

After being executed by the Gestapo in 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s works became a cherished testament for Christians worldwide. Among them, his book “Life Together” stands out, recounting his encounters with Christian community amidst Hitler’s regime.

Bonhoeffer emphasizes God’s design for the church to exist in “life together” through Christ. Described as “nourishment for those craving genuine Christian fellowship,” “Life Together” transcends mere words.

Our innate need for Christ’s guidance and the fellowship of devoted believers is undeniable. There is no room for solitary discipleship; the essence lies in unity. The essence of joy in Christ blossoms through communal living with fellow believers.

The concept of “together” resonated deeply with me during my children’s formative years. A poignant moment arose when my youngest, eight-year-old son, Steve, expressed his fondness for our companionship on a visit to the hospital. His innocent words, “We enjoy being together, right Dad?” left an indelible mark, embodying Bonhoeffer’s vision of “life together.”

This foundation stems from God Himself. Driven by love, He sent His Son to redeem us from sin, desiring fellowship even at the cost of Jesus’ sacrifice. Through Christ’s resurrection, we are granted the opportunity to live in eternal communion with Him and others—a source of unparalleled joy.

Reflect on Jesus’ earthly ministry. His fulfillment of the Father’s will hinged on shared experiences with His disciples, both male and female. Jesus valued the fellowship, walking, talking, and praying with them for three transformative years. Even in His darkest hour, facing the impending crucifixion, He sought solace in their presence.

Post-resurrection, Jesus sought out His disciples, including Thomas, who doubted. His deliberate return for Thomas exemplified His love for each individual. Jesus cherished their fellowship, ensuring no one was left behind.

In my recent experiences, “life together” materializes in bi-monthly prayer gatherings with fellow men. Our bond with each other and Jesus creates a profound connection, as He promised, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Each meeting reinforces the shared sentiment of brotherhood and spiritual closeness.

As I approach life’s twilight, thoughts of heaven linger. Yet, the presence of Jesus suffices. Walking hand in hand with Him daily, I yearn to hear His comforting words, “Walter, I cherish our time together.” Anticipating my final journey, I long for His welcoming embrace, signaling the eternal bond of fellowship.

Authentic life thrives in communion with Jesus, transcending earthly and heavenly realms. This everlasting fellowship awaits all who humbly seek forgiveness and proclaim, like Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” Thus begins a lifelong journey of “life together” in Christ, boundless and eternal.