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Gaza’s Lifeline Cut: UNRWA Unplugged

The author serves as the secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council

Being present amidst the devastation in Gaza, as I have experienced this week, exposes the profound shortcomings of the global system. In my four decades of involvement in various conflict zones, the scenes here surpass any I have encountered before. The shattered civilian infrastructure, visibly malnourished children, and the weary countenances of parents enduring five months of torment depict a harrowing reality.

Following the heinous events instigated by Hamas on October 7, Israel and its supporters have initiated and facilitated a relentless assault on the besieged civilians in Gaza. Their plight stands as a stark indictment of the international community’s inability to secure basic restraint or humanitarian aid access.

The loss of Palestinian lives persists unabated, with the death toll poised to surpass 30,000, predominantly comprising women and children. Hundreds of thousands more, deemed “fortunate,” have sustained life-altering injuries, witnessed their homes reduced to rubble, or mourned the loss of cherished family members. They now join the ranks of generations in Gaza who rely on meager handouts, devoid of prospects for a future or the fundamental necessities that many of us take for granted.

Reports from Norwegian Refugee Council personnel on the ground detail the ordeal of their families, forced to flee from one precarious location to another, fashioning shelters from discarded refuse and resorting to baking “bread” from animal fodder. Once providers of hope and aid, they are now distressed recipients of assistance.

Gaza teeters on the brink of collapse, with its lifeline being UNRWA, the UN agency dedicated to Palestinian refugees. However, the organization has faced a setback of $440 million in funding suspension from the US and other donors following allegations by Israel in January linking a dozen of its staff to the October 7 attack.

The repercussions of severing ties with UNRWA are profound, given that no other entity can feasibly fill its role. The agency has long been a crucial support system for Palestinians in Gaza and beyond, offering education to hundreds of thousands of children and vocational training for youth. From vaccinations for children to prenatal check-ups for women, much of the essential healthcare in Gaza is provided by UNRWA clinics.

Throughout the ongoing conflict, UNRWA has provided emergency shelter to a significant portion of the 1.9 million displaced Palestinians. Its 13,000-strong workforce forms the backbone of relief operations, with no substitute organization capable of delivering the critical life-saving aid it dispenses.

While the allegations against UNRWA are grave, any misconduct by a minority of staff, if proven, should be met with stringent legal action. However, the knee-jerk reaction of further slashing aid to two million Gazan civilians in response to unproven accusations is deeply troubling. No entity can guarantee flawless conduct from all its members at all times, and the work of aiding those in need must persist, notwithstanding the need for reforms.

The sudden funding suspension by Israel’s allies, in the absence of concrete evidence, raises questions about the timing and motivations behind these actions. UNRWA has emphasized the urgency of reinstating funds to avert operational disruptions beyond March.

Diminishing UNRWA’s capacity not only jeopardizes innocent Palestinians but also undermines the collective humanitarian efforts in Gaza. In a show of solidarity, we have declined previously allocated funding for UNRWA and urge other humanitarian organizations to follow suit. It is imperative for the US and other key donors to promptly reverse their decision to defund the agency.

Gaza finds itself in a downward spiral, facing the brunt of a modern military supported by affluent and influential nations. The Palestinian populace is displaced, famished, and desperate, with UNRWA standing as their sole pillar of support. It is imperative that UNRWA be permitted to fulfill its mandate.