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Ukraine’s First Lady Urges Congress to Avoid ‘Political Point-Scoring’

Olena Zelenska, the Ukrainian first lady, gave me a piercing look when I inquired about her message to aid her country against Vladimir Putin’s Russian invaders.

She emphasized the critical nature of the situation, highlighting that it transcends mere financial or political considerations—it is about preserving lives.

In an exclusive interview for “Piers Morgan Uncensored” in London, Ms. Zelenska expressed the urgent need for decision-makers to act promptly, as every moment of hesitation translates to lives lost in Ukraine.

She underscored the necessity of increased funding for Ukraine’s air defense systems, emphasizing the pivotal role it plays in safeguarding civilian lives from Russian threats.

Despite the harrowing circumstances and the constant threat she faces as a high-priority target, Olena Zelenska exuded resilience and determination to stand strong alongside her fellow Ukrainians.

The war’s toll, compounded by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, has deeply impacted Ukrainian families, including her own, with her children bearing the weight of uncertainty and fear.

Amidst the turmoil, the unwavering support of the British Royal Family served as a source of solace and encouragement for Ms. Zelenska.

When confronted with the atrocities committed by Russian forces, including war crimes and heinous acts against Ukrainian women and children, she emphasized the need for accountability and justice for the perpetrators.

Despite the mounting criticisms faced by President Zelensky, Olena Zelenska remains steadfast in her support, acknowledging the weight of responsibility he carries during these tumultuous times.

As the war in Ukraine continues to unfold, Olena Zelenska’s unwavering resolve and plea for global solidarity serve as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle for survival and peace in the face of adversity.