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Embracing Triathlons: The Integral Role in a Sioux Center Resident’s Life

SIOUX CENTER—While the springlike weather uplifts spirits, Jesse Veenstra eagerly anticipates the commencement of the triathlon season with the upcoming Siouxperman Triathlon.

At 37 years old, Jesse Veenstra, an assistant professor of business administration at Dordt University, is actively involved in the coordination of the annual triathlon event set to take place on Saturday, May 4. With 12 years of experience in participating in triathlons, this will mark his fourth year contributing to the organization of the Siouxperman Triathlon.

The appeal of the Siouxperman Triathlon lies in its welcoming nature for newcomers and serves as an ideal inaugural triathlon for competitive athletes at the beginning of the season.

Veenstra expressed, “The race structure is particularly inviting for novice triathletes. Many participants are embarking on their first triathlon journey. This aspect makes the event truly enjoyable as it introduces newcomers to the sport. Moreover, being early in the racing calendar, it often serves as the season’s opening race for many individuals. It’s a delightful way to re-engage in racing activities and set the tone for the upcoming summer events.”

The triathlon comprises an indoor 300-yard swim, a 25K bike ride, and a 5K run centered around the All Seasons Center in Sioux Center. The swimming segment takes place at the indoor pool of the All Seasons Center, while the biking route spans from the All Seasons Center through Hickory Avenue to Hull and back. The 5K run follows a route from the All Seasons Center along the recreation trail to Children’s Park and back.

Individual registration costs \(45, and team registration is priced at \)99 until April 2. Post this date, individual entry fees amount to \(65, and team registration increases to \)135.

Apart from his organizational role, Jesse Veenstra actively participates in the Siouxperman Triathlon. Having transitioned from Des Moines to Sioux Center, Veenstra’s involvement in triathlons began relatively late in life.

Transitioning to Sioux Center in 2021, Veenstra commenced his involvement with the Siouxperman Triathlon.

Running and triathlons became significant pursuits for Veenstra later in life. His running journey commenced at the age of 24 when he joined his co-workers for lunchtime runs.

Reflecting on his running experience, Veenstra shared, “I discovered a genuine passion for running during those lunchtime sessions. Running became a significant part of my routine, and I gradually developed into a proficient runner. Running felt like a natural fit for me, despite not exploring it during my high school and college years.”

Soon after embracing running, Veenstra was introduced to triathlons by a friend, which sparked his interest and led him to explore the realm of multi-discipline races.

Jesse Veenstra achieved a notable milestone by completing the Ironman World Championship in Kona, HI, in October 2022, marking a pinnacle in his extensive triathlon journey.

Delving into the training aspect of triathlons, Veenstra highlighted the diverse workout routines that encompass swimming, cycling, and running. This varied training regimen not only adds excitement to the preparation but also offers a holistic approach to fitness, minimizing the impact on specific muscle groups.

Veenstra emphasized the importance of acquiring the right equipment, particularly a suitable bike, and honing swimming skills, which posed a significant challenge initially. Despite starting with minimal swimming experience, Veenstra gradually progressed by consistently practicing and gradually increasing his swimming endurance.

Triathlons have evolved into a family affair for Veenstra, with his wife, Angela, also actively participating in marathons. Their daughters have engaged in youth triathlons, indicating a potential interest in following their parents’ footsteps.

While Veenstra hopes his daughters develop a passion for running or triathlons, he acknowledges the importance of allowing them to pursue their interests organically. Witnessing his family engage in these events brings a sense of joy and camaraderie, fostering a shared enthusiasm for active lifestyles.