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Benefits of Living on Campus: Exploring the Advantages

Living in a residence hall at Notre Dame is a highlight of the university experience.

Despite the urgent GroupMe pleas directed at the occupants of “Washer 8” and “Dryer 14” to relocate their laundry and the inevitable surprises that come with sharing living quarters with 200 other individuals, my personal encounter with dorm life at Notre Dame has been largely positive.

While dormitory living may not suit everyone, with some individuals, particularly those who relish cooking, opting for off-campus accommodations, I, a self-professed late riser, find solace in the on-campus proximity to my classes, maximizing my sleep time.

When deliberating on my housing choice for my senior year, I carefully considered my options. While post-graduation plans may incline towards apartment living, residing in a dormitory fosters chance e-lounge conversations, communal dining experiences, and engaging card game sessions. The Notre Dame campus offers a unique opportunity to partake in the vibrant dormitory community life.

Although Pasquerilla East may not boast the most modern amenities compared to Hotel J-Fam, it does provide an enriching community atmosphere for those inclined. Embracing my dormitory community has led me to forge valuable friendships and connections.

Off-campus living has its advantages, such as the convenience of a personal bathroom sans the need for shower shoes and the freedom from on-campus residential regulations. Nonetheless, residing on campus presents its own perks:

1. Community: Remaining on campus during senior year enables continued participation in the dormitory community, fostering connections with traditions and fellow residents—a particularly meaningful experience for seniors who faced a disrupted freshman year due to COVID or transferred from another institution.

2. Location: Eddy Street, renowned for its proximity to campus, stands as a prime off-campus apartment location. However, the closest one can get to campus is by residing on it!

3. Humor: Dormitory life, with its congregation of 200 residents under one roof, offers ample comedic material. The daily occurrences within the dormitory setting never fail to amuse me.

4. Culinary Delights: Weekly section events not only serve as social gatherings but also provide unexpected study snacks, ranging from grapes and bagels to mocktails.

5. Walking Convenience: For seniors without a vehicle, on-campus living proves most convenient for commuting to classes or attending campus events. Few opportunities exist to reside in a walking community with grocery stores, sports facilities, and classes within walking distance.

6. Room Selection: Seniors finally have the privilege of selecting rooms first, securing coveted singles or super doubles they have eyed since freshman year.

7. Spontaneous Interactions and Midnight Munchies: Dormitory living presents opportunities for impromptu encounters, whether it’s joining someone for a late-night Taco Bell run at 2 AM or strolling around the lakes to catch the sunset with a companion.

8. Social Connections: Personally, dormitory living has enriched my Notre Dame experience through interhall sports, e-lounge gatherings, and study sessions. Pasquerilla East has truly felt like a welcoming home within the university setting. While off-campus living offers the convenience of a personal kitchen, the vibrancy of dormitory life and the campus ambiance outside one’s window are equally appealing.

The distinctions in amenities and quality among dormitories, off-campus residences, and on-campus facilities vary, making it a crucial factor to consider alongside pricing.

However, when it comes to fostering a sense of community, dormitory life undoubtedly stands out as the preferred choice.