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Empowering South African Leaders with Scientology Training to Drive Grassroots Transformation

Bringing Change to Emfuleni Through Scientology’s Tools for Life Program

In the heart of Emfuleni, a region grappling with social and economic challenges, hope emerged through an unexpected partnership. Councilor Sibongile Soxuza, faced with rising concerns over domestic violence, substance abuse, poverty, and crime, sought a solution that would bring real change to her community of nearly one million residents. In her pursuit of impactful intervention, she turned to the Scientology Volunteer Ministers’ training program, which provides practical life skills aimed at leadership and community development. This decision resulted in a life-changing training initiative for 350 Ward Committee members.

The Ward representatives, who deal with a multitude of daily struggles in their communities, embraced the program with enthusiasm. By completing the 19 Tools for Life courses, they acquired a variety of skills including conflict management, poverty alleviation, tackling substance abuse, and empowering youth through education and communication. Councilor Soxuza noted how the program not only met but exceeded expectations, sparking meaningful conversations between local officials and the community. Chief Ward Committee Coordinator, Mr. Tefo Molakeng, emphasized that these newly acquired skills would allow them to make a lasting difference in their areas.

Scientology’s Vision for Community Empowerment

Recognizing the program’s life-altering impact, Councilor Soxuza expressed her desire to create a sustained partnership with the Scientology Volunteer Ministers to ensure the continuous development of her community. Sandile Hlayisi, Chairperson of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers in South Africa, led the training and highlighted the program’s importance in creating strong, unified communities. “Empowerment begins with practical knowledge,” Hlayisi explained, noting that the course was designed to help individuals not only improve their own lives but also uplift others around them.

The training, provided free of charge in over 20 languages, including local South African languages like Sotho, Zulu, and Xhosa, was developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. According to Hubbard, a Volunteer Minister is someone who voluntarily helps their fellow human beings by restoring purpose, truth, and spiritual principles in their lives. Their guiding principle states: “A Volunteer Minister does not overlook suffering, evil, and injustice in the world but instead is trained to confront these challenges and assist others in regaining inner strength and relief.”

The success of this initiative has inspired further engagement with the community and highlighted the potential of grassroots efforts to drive meaningful, long-lasting change. The Scientology Volunteer Ministers program continues to expand its reach, offering hope and practical solutions to communities across South Africa.