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Eastward: Octopia Expansion Review – Enhancing the Farm Sim Experience

A couple of years back, a charming new action-adventure game was introduced across multiple platforms, blending attractive visuals reminiscent of classic games with a narrative-driven gameplay loop that evokes memories of older Zelda titles. Despite its imperfections, we found it quite enjoyable. Now, the developer Pixpil has unveiled a substantial DLC known as [ppp1], expanding far beyond just introducing a few new levels and scenes. This standalone expansion acts almost like a half-sequel, completely transforming the gameplay and presenting a fresh take on the original game. In fact, we dare say it surpasses the original in many aspects.

The storyline of Octopia unfolds in a parallel universe distinct from the primary timeline of Eastward. Here, the atmosphere is notably more cheerful and vibrant, devoid of any trace of miasma. The tale commences with Sam and John’s arrival at Octopia, an abandoned amusement park in a state of disrepair. Acquiring a small house and a plot of land, they embark on the journey to restore Octopia to its former splendor through farming endeavors. Various characters from the Eastward universe eventually migrate to Octopia to aid in this restoration, albeit with subtle alterations in their personas.

Without delving into spoilers, the narrative strongly hints at intertwining with the main story of Eastward, although newcomers can fully appreciate Octopia without prior knowledge of the original plot. Primarily, it’s a heartwarming tale of a rural community banding together to rebuild their home. However, players familiar with Eastward’s main campaign will notice subtle details and Easter eggs hinting at a deeper connection. Notably, the narrative in Octopia is more concise compared to the base game, offering a more focused and engaging experience.

In terms of gameplay, Octopia diverges significantly from the narrative-driven, Zelda-inspired structure of the core game, introducing classic farm simulation mechanics. Each in-game day lasts just over ten minutes, during which players engage in activities like caring for animals, cultivating the land, and investing profits into property upgrades and seeds. The freedom to choose daily activities, coupled with the necessity to fulfill townsfolk requests for progress, adds a layer of strategic decision-making to the gameplay.

As with most simulation games, Octopia starts off at a leisurely pace but gradually immerses players in setting and achieving short- and mid-term goals. The sense of progression is rewarding, as the once dilapidated town transforms into a thriving community through dedicated efforts. Additionally, the game features engaging mini-games like fishing and mining to break the monotony of farm tasks, offering a diverse gameplay experience without overwhelming players.

The visual quality that distinguished the original Eastward remains uncompromised in Octopia. The detailed sprite work and animations continue to impress, capturing each character’s distinct traits effectively. The vibrant environments seamlessly blend with the farm simulation theme, while the introduction of new biomes adds graphical variety. Octopia maintains the high standards set by its predecessor, showcasing the potential of a hi-bit 2D art style.

Despite its strengths, Octopia does encounter some minor setbacks. Performance issues, including occasional crashes and frame drops, slightly detract from the overall experience. Additionally, the absence of certain quality-of-life features, such as mass-producing dishes during cooking, can disrupt the gameplay flow and impact extended play sessions.

Moreover, Octopia’s restriction to players who own Eastward may be a drawback for some. While this decision doesn’t diminish the expansion’s quality, it may disappoint those seeking standalone DLC options. Nevertheless, with its affordable price point and substantial content offering, Octopia proves to be a worthwhile addition for fans of the original game.


Eastward: Octopia may not revolutionize the genre, but it excels as a well-crafted expansion, delivering a satisfying and relaxing farm simulation experience. Despite minor flaws, the diverse gameplay elements, captivating story, stunning visuals, and abundant content make it a highly recommended choice for fans of Eastward. Even returning players who may have paused their original playthrough will find Octopia to be a more refined and engaging experience. Despite some performance issues, the expansion retains the charm that endeared the original game to many players.