From road trips to train adventures to safaris, here are some classic summer vacation ideas to add to your 2024 travel plans.
Back in September 2023, Modern Drummer caught up with Brooks Wackerman while on AVENGED SEVENFOLD’s “Life Is But A Dream…” North American tour. Brooks took the magazine through his DW acrylic drums and gave some insight into his practice and performance routines. Check out the 11-minute video report…
Julia Child: A Recipe for Life opens at Virginia Museum of History and Culture in Richmond.
Shue Leung had to have 70 stitches after suffering multiple injuries to her face
Indies in moderate-wide release claimed the nos. 6 8 and 9 spot at the domestic box office led by ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ starring Kristin Stewart.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope for March 18, 2024, to know your astrological predictions. Be sincere in your love life and this will help in relation.
The 55-year-old American actor talked in depth about Toriyama’s legacy and how his demise has left him torn
Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is preparing to implement “life alert” devices in apartments to assist individuals struggling with substance abuse, a taxpayer-funded initiative that some critics argue may inadvertently promote drug use. The city’s Health Department is finalizing a contract for a pilot program aimed at residents deemed to be at “high risk” of overdose, …
20/20 reporting in from the Appalachian Plateau. Finished the Smokies this morning, about three weeks into the trail and life before already feels like a distant memory. It’s an adventure that keeps changing as the days bloom on. Stats Album choices: Nashville Skyline (Bob Dylan), Don’t Mess With Jim (Jim Croce), Ten (Pearl Jam), There Goes The Neighborhood (Joe Walsh). Knee pain: 5.6/10 Experiencing Life Through A Fire Hose It’s impossible to really describe what it’s been like since my last post. …
Editorial: After 38 years, Charlie Fairhead has retired from the medical wards of the TV drama Casualty. Welcome back to the real world, actor Derek Thompson