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The Importance of Preserving the Affordable Care Act: A Personal Account

On my 26th birthday, the significance of the day didn’t initially weigh heavily on my mind. Little did I realize that this seemingly ordinary birthday would become a pivotal moment that changed my life forever. It was on this very day that I received the life-altering diagnosis of cervical cancer, coinciding with the transition off my parents’ health insurance coverage.

Upon learning about my cancer diagnosis, my primary concern wasn’t just the battle against the disease itself. Instead, I was immediately worried about the daunting challenge of affording the necessary healthcare and treatment. Thankfully, I quickly navigated the process of enrolling in a healthcare plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Surprisingly, it took me less than 15 minutes to complete the online registration. The healthcare coverage provided by the ACA not only made crucial medical services accessible but also ensured that the financial burden remained manageable with a minimal out-of-pocket maximum.

Throughout my journey of cancer treatment, the ACA played a crucial role in easing the financial strain associated with medical expenses, covering costs related to doctor’s visits, surgical procedures, and medications. Apart from addressing my specific health needs, the broader impact of the ACA extends across the entire American population, regardless of their insurance status or health circumstances.

An important achievement of the ACA was the removal of lifetime caps on healthcare expenses for individuals. As someone born with a genetic blood disorder similar to hemophilia, the exorbitant cost of emergency medications, priced at up to $90,000 per dose, posed a significant threat to financial stability. Prior to the ACA, individuals facing substantial healthcare costs, like myself, were at risk of losing insurance coverage provided by their employers. The protective measures of the ACA for individuals with pre-existing conditions, including myself, stand out as a cornerstone of its benefits.

Currently, the ACA provides me with the flexibility to pursue career changes, entrepreneurial endeavors, and personal aspirations, knowing that I can access comprehensive healthcare coverage despite my pre-existing health conditions. The healthcare premium tax credits extended in 2020 not only led to significant savings for me but also enabled me to establish a savings account—a milestone that was previously unattainable. These tax credits substantially reduced my monthly premium from \(200 to less than \)1, empowering me to manage my healthcare expenses more effectively.

With the support of the ACA, I no longer delay essential treatments due to financial constraints. I have been able to address critical healthcare needs such as acquiring hearing aids and seeking treatment for an autoimmune disorder diagnosed post-cancer recovery. By recently enrolling in employer-sponsored insurance for the first time, I continue to enjoy the benefits of the ACA’s impact on the healthcare landscape. The ACA’s mandate ensuring coverage for preventive services, including pap smears for cancer surveillance, provides me with ongoing reassurance regarding potential cancer recurrence.

During my most vulnerable moments, the ACA served as a reliable safety net, providing the support I needed. The surge in ACA plan enrollments by a record number of Americans in 2024 underscores the increasing significance of the program. Despite overwhelming evidence of the ACA’s indispensable role in safeguarding the health and well-being of countless individuals, there have been more than 50 attempts in the Assembly to dismantle the ACA since 2011. Both the previous Trump administration and the current administration persist in opposing efforts to expand healthcare access, disregarding its critical importance for the nation’s populace. It is crucial to broaden ACA accessibility to ensure that every American can access affordable, inclusive, and high-quality healthcare, reflecting the transformative impact it had on my life.

Kat Klawes

Kat Klawes, a dedicated resident of Milwaukee, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Northern Michigan University and a Master of Arts in Education Policy from Marquette University. With over a decade of experience in policy advocacy and community engagement, Kat currently contributes her expertise at Citizen Action of Wisconsin.