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Justice Deferred: The Case for Liberating Ibrahima Bah, the Unwitting Helmsman

The Tragic Ordeal of Ibrahima Bah

Ibrahima Bah, a 19-year-old from Senegal, is entangled in a legal nightmare that could lead to a life sentence in the UK for charges linked to illegal migration and manslaughter. This young man, accused of steering a fragile dinghy across the English Channel, represents a broader issue of migrants being criminalized for the actions of the true culprits who remain unaccountable. In December 2022, Bah was arrested after the dinghy he navigated disintegrated near a fishing vessel, leading to tragic fatalities and numerous rescues of individuals mainly from Afghanistan.

A Closer Look at the Systemic Issues

The incident that led to Bah’s charges is not isolated. It reflects a disturbing trend where individuals like Bah are scapegoated under harsh migration policies. These include the UK’s aggressive stance on curbing asylum claims and its controversial methods like the deployment of the Bibby Stockholm barge and stringent criteria for entry. This crackdown aligns with the UK government’s broader initiative to ‘stop the boats,’ a policy that harshly targets migrants under the guise of curbing illegal entry, thereby exposing ideological motives behind these measures.

The Need for Policy Reevaluation

This case underscores the urgent need for reevaluating how migration and the acts of facilitating migration are criminalized. The UK’s legislative environment, particularly the Immigration Control (Small Boats) Act of 2022, has widened the net of offenses related to migration, putting vulnerable individuals at greater risk of severe penalties for actions often taken under duress or as a last resort to seek asylum. The upcoming sentencing of Bah calls for a critical reflection on the part of policymakers and the public, to advocate for justice and challenge policies that compromise the safety and rights of individuals seeking refuge.