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Life-Saving Innovation: California Startup Corra Expands Health Tracking Platform to Georgia**

When she mentions that her application, Corra Health, literally saved her life, it holds profound significance.

Lane faced a prolonged struggle with persistent pain and health challenges during her late teens and early twenties. Despite reaching adulthood, her medical practitioners attributed her condition to mere “growing pains,” dismissing the severity of her situation. Suffering from recurring infections that frequently led to emergency room visits, Lane found herself reliant on potent daily antibiotics for an extended period, raising concerns about potential antibiotic resistance. As her health deteriorated, she harbored genuine fears that her young children might be deprived of a mother.

Elya Lane, the founder of Corra Health, endured a protracted journey spanning well over a decade before receiving an accurate diagnosis for her rare condition. Similar to many individuals grappling with chronic illnesses, her daily experiences oscillated between manageable days and excruciating ones where even getting out of bed posed a challenge. In her quest for solutions, Lane experimented with various symptom trackers and health applications in a bid to decipher the triggers behind her pain and infections. However, none of the existing solutions offered a streamlined method to monitor all facets of her well-being, encompassing nutrition, fitness, and daily symptoms.

Recounting her struggles, Lane expressed, “I was fatigued, exhausted, and in pain. I didn’t have the energy I needed to easily input data [into an app].” Moreover, even when she managed to input data into an application, deriving actionable insights from her health information proved to be an arduous task.

Exploring Corra’s Mission

Drawing from her meticulous self-tracking endeavors, Lane harnessed her insights to navigate her body back to wellness. This transformative experience propelled her to establish Corra Health, with the aim of offering individuals managing chronic conditions access to “holistic,” “accurate and impactful” health insights.

The app is meticulously crafted to serve as a highly personalized health journal, furnishing tailored insights based on each user’s unique tracking requirements. Corra springs into action, delivering actionable insights once a minimum of 35 days’ worth of data is accumulated.

Describing the outcome, , Corra’s Chief Data Scientist, likened it to having a proficient medical statistician continuously scrutinizing and reassessing one’s lifestyle to pinpoint the root cause of symptoms. It epitomizes the epitome of personalized medicine.

A Personal Voyage in Health

Lane’s entrepreneurial spirit blossomed from a young age, marked by nostalgic recollections of vending candy bars, handmade dolls, and cosmetics during her elementary and middle school years. Early on, she discovered her passion for sales and the art of company establishment.

Reflecting on her entrepreneurial journey, Lane reminisced, “Everything I touched when I was little, I immediately started thinking about how to make it a business.” She ventured into launching her tutoring enterprise and arts center in Ventura County, California. However, her foray into serving the chronically ill community through Corra holds a distinct personal resonance. Tracking her symptoms via the initial iterations of Corra proved instrumental in unraveling crucial health insights, enabling her to steer clear of daily antibiotics for nearly the past two years.

“My app genuinely saved my life,” she affirmed to Hypepotamus.

Despite the saturation in the health tracking domain, Corra, derived from correlation, seeks to revolutionize this bustling space.

”[People] are not lacking in information in any way. There are more health trackers out there than you can shake a stick at,” Lane remarked. “What we don’t have is the ability to receive insight about that data or to collect all that data. And that’s what we are doing with Corra.”

Establishing Corra’s Presence in ATL

Although Corra originates from Southern California, the team has temporarily relocated to Atlanta this year. Following numerous applications to Techstars programs nationwide, Lane’s persistence bore fruit with an acceptance into .

This opportunity necessitated uprooting her family – comprising her husband, two children, and two dogs – to Georgia earlier in the year. In a brief span, Lane expressed her admiration for Atlanta’s vibrant startup ecosystem, characterized by a collective ethos of empowerment and mutual support.

Formally founded in 2020, Corra witnessed Lane, a non-technical co-founder, assembling a formidable cadre of executives. Notable additions include as the Chief Data Scientist, as the Executive Vice President of Product, as the Head of Engineering, and in an advisory capacity.

Empowered by Techstars, the Corra team stands poised to shape the future landscape of healthcare.

“We’re gonna see a revolution and a shift towards personalized medicine. It’s inevitable,” Lane asserted.