A Struggle for Independence
In the wake of the devastating earthquakes that rocked Turkey, Adile Yetkin’s life took an unforeseen turn. Tasked with the simple act of enrolling her child in school, she found herself confronted by the stark reality of her prosthetic leg’s limitations, a constant reminder of her newfound vulnerability.
Trapped in Tragedy’s Grasp
The seismic tremors not only claimed lives but left survivors like the Yetkin family grappling with profound loss and physical debilitation. Trapped beneath the rubble, Adile’s son Yusuf sacrificed his life to shield his mother, a selfless act that left her burdened not only by grief but by the weight of his memory.
A Journey of Resilience
As Adile and her husband Hasan navigate the challenges of life post-earthquake, they embody resilience in the face of adversity. Despite the hurdles posed by their disabilities and the strain on their livelihood, their unwavering spirit and determination illuminate a path forward, inspiring hope amidst the rubble of their shattered lives.