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Young Adult LIFE Tour Energizes Faith and Community in Mid-America Union

Bridging Generations Through Faith

In January, the Young Adult LIFE Tour, a pivotal initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division, made its fourth stop at the College View Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. This event, drawing over 900 attendees, demonstrated a robust engagement with the community, underscoring a strong desire to connect generations in faith and fellowship. Spearheaded by notable leaders like Benjamin Lundquist, the tour addressed the pressing need for vibrant young adult ministries capable of reversing trends of declining engagement and aging congregations.

Empowering Young Adults in Ministry

The weekend in Lincoln was not just a gathering but a transformative experience for many. Nick Snell, the director of youth and young adult ministries for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference, remarked on the profound impact of the event. It served as a beacon of hope and practical strategy for local congregations aiming to empower their young members. The initiative is celebrated for its inclusive atmosphere, where young adults and church leaders unite to forge a path forward in ministry and personal growth.

Envisioning a Future of Inclusive Faith Communities

The discussions and presentations at the tour stop painted a picture of what the future could hold for the Adventist community— one that embraces inclusivity, active mentorship, and a genuine, intergenerational partnership. Chandler Tarbox, a young adult pastor, reflected on a panel discussion that showcased the deep, authentic desires of young adults to see a church that not only welcomes diverse opinions but also acts as a cornerstone for community and spiritual growth. This event not only highlighted the challenges faced by today’s religious communities but also charted a course for a more engaged and understanding future.

Through such dynamic and inclusive events, the Young Adult LIFE Tour is setting a precedent for how faith communities can thrive by genuinely embracing and empowering the next generation. This initiative continues to inspire and catalyze change across North America, promising a brighter, more connected future for the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its members.