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Heroic Michigan Firefighter Recognized for Rescuing Passenger Mid-Flight

TROY, Mich. — James Bertolino and his family embarked on their yearly journey to Mexico with thoughts solely focused on leisure and relaxation.

Their primary intent was to bask in the warm weather and create lasting memories, as recounted by Bertolino, a dedicated volunteer firefighter at the Troy Fire Department. However, their vacation took an unexpected turn, evolving into a far more profound experience.

During their flight in January 2023, Bertolino found himself in a situation where his quick thinking and expertise were put to the test, ultimately leading to the rescue of a fellow passenger in distress. This heroic act was initiated when a flight attendant, noticing Bertolino’s attire bearing the emblem of the fire department from a golf outing, sought his assistance.

Approximately 10 to 15 minutes before the scheduled landing, Bertolino was alerted to a medical emergency transpiring at the rear of the aircraft. Responding promptly, he discovered an elderly male passenger in a critical state—barely conscious, perspiring profusely, and expressing discomfort due to chest pains.

Drawing upon his extensive training and practical knowledge, Bertolino swiftly assessed the situation, noting the passenger’s feeble pulse. With limited resources at hand, he sprang into action, providing necessary aid. His efforts were soon complemented by a nurse among the passengers. As the gravity of the medical crisis heightened, Bertolino decisively retrieved the automated external defibrillator (AED) and assisted in its application.

Collaborating with another passenger, a physician assistant, Bertolino facilitated the administration of essential medications such as aspirin and nitroglycerin. Subsequently, the ailing passenger exhibited signs of improvement.

In response to the emergency, the pilot executed an unscheduled landing, and medical personnel were promptly on the scene. Bertolino played a crucial role in safely evacuating the passenger from the aircraft and facilitating his transfer to an awaiting ambulance.

While Bertolino remains unaware of the passenger’s ultimate prognosis, he found solace in knowing that the individual had been stabilized and was conscious upon disembarking the plane.

Such experiences underscore Bertolino’s unwavering commitment to his role as a volunteer firefighter, a dedication fueled by his desire to contribute positively to his community.

Reflecting on his journey, Bertolino, who is employed in computer repair, shared that his involvement with the Troy Fire Department spans nearly eight years. He hails from a lineage of family members who have actively served in various volunteer fire departments across the Detroit region.

Recounting fond childhood memories, Bertolino reminisced about his early encounters with fire trucks at the tender age of 5 or 6, laying the foundation for his future involvement in firefighting.

Residing in Troy, Bertolino cherishes the camaraderie shared with fellow volunteer firefighters from diverse backgrounds. He expressed gratitude for the unwavering support of his wife, MaryFrances, and their 4-year-old daughter, Sophia, who wholeheartedly endorse his commitment, even during moments when immediate response to station calls is imperative.

In recognition of his exemplary actions, Bertolino was honored with the prestigious Lifesaving Award by the fire department during a recent ceremony, standing alongside other commendable personnel acknowledged at the annual event.