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Speakers Revealed for 2024 Virginia March for Life Event

Pro-life Supporters and Lawmakers to Speak at Richmond Rally on February 21, 2024

The upcoming sixth annual Virginia March for Life, scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, will feature a lineup of distinguished speakers addressing participants gathered at the Bell Tower outside the Virginia Capitol Building. This event, organized by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund in collaboration with the [Virginia organization], aims to advocate for pro-life legislation in the state.

Among the notable speakers set to address the attendees are The Honorable Winsome Sears, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia; Dondi Costin, President of Liberty University; Felicia Pricenor, Vice President of Government Affairs at March for Life Education and Defense Fund; Victoria Cobb, President of Family Foundation of Virginia; Jonathan Alexandre, Senior Counsel at Liberty Counsel; and Candi Cushman, Vice President of Grassroots and Communications Strategies at Family Foundation of Virginia.

Jeanne F. Mancini, President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration with the Family Foundation of Virginia for the Virginia March for Life. The event aims to rally residents of the Commonwealth in support of life-affirming policies that prioritize the well-being of both mothers and unborn children, particularly crucial in light of Virginia’s current permissive abortion laws.

Victoria Cobb, President of the Virginia Family Foundation, highlighted the urgency of the event following recent elections and the looming threat of expanded abortion rights. She emphasized the need to hold elected officials accountable for their stance on abortion policies that veer towards extremism.

The Virginia March for Life is scheduled to commence with a rally at the State Capitol building at 11:00 am ET, followed by the march at 12:00 pm ET on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.

Key Speakers Include:

  • The Honorable Winsome Sears, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
  • Dondi Costin, President of Liberty University
  • Felicia Pricenor, Vice President of Government Affairs, March for Life Education and Defense Fund
  • Victoria Cobb, President, Family Foundation of Virginia
  • His Excellency Bishop Burbidge, Diocese of Arlington
  • His Excellency Bishop Knestout, Diocese of Richmond
  • Jonathan Alexandre, Senior Counsel, Liberty Counsel
  • Candi Cushman, Vice President of Grassroots and Communications Strategies, Family Foundation of Virginia
  • Bishop Patrick Wooden Sr., Upper Room Church of God in Christ

The opening prayer will be led by The Most Reverend Bishop Patrick Wooden, with closing prayers delivered by The Most Reverend Bishop Michael F. Burbidge and The Most Reverend Bishop Barry C. Knestout. The National Anthem will be performed by Veritas Christian School.

Event Details:

  • Location: The Bell Tower outside the Virginia Capitol Building, near Bank St and N 9th St, Richmond, VA 23219-3673.

The March for Life Education and Defense Fund is a non-sectarian organization dedicated to advocating for the sanctity of human life and combating abortion through education and mobilization of pro-life supporters. It is renowned for organizing the largest annual human rights demonstration in Washington, DC, held every January.