As depicted in the Apple TV+ drama inspired by true events, Maisie Williams, known for her distinctive facial features as Arya, underwent a significant physical transformation to portray a French Resistance member in 1940s Paris, the sister of Christian Dior. Williams’s portrayal required her to lose weight, shave her head, and follow a rigorous routine supervised by medical professionals for scenes in episodes 6 and beyond. These episodes portray Catherine’s return home in 1945 after enduring hardships in prisons, camps, and factories, including the women’s concentration camp Ravensbrück.
In preparation for the role, Williams engaged in intense physical and mental preparation, spending hours meditating, taking hot baths with salts, and disconnecting from her personal life by limiting interactions with friends, family, and technology. This immersion into the character’s world allowed Williams to embody the resilience and strength of Catherine amidst her struggles.
The role of Catherine, a character blending fierceness with femininity as a muse of a renowned fashion house, captivated Williams due to its complexity and depth. The opportunity to explore a character who defied societal norms and exuded power in a challenging historical context resonated with her.
Williams emphasized the mental challenges of portraying a character like Catherine, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and personal well-being to deliver her best work. By immersing herself in the character’s world and shedding external distractions, Williams was able to channel Catherine’s strength and determination effectively on screen.
Reflecting on the impact of the role, Williams shared how the experience reshaped her perspective on fashion, shifting her focus from the aesthetic aspects to the human stories behind the designs. The show’s exploration of personal and political dimensions within the fashion industry prompted Williams to view brands as more than just commercial entities but as reflections of human creativity and history.
Through her portrayal of Catherine and the show’s exploration of World War II-era struggles, Williams delved into themes of sacrifice, resilience, and the complexities of decision-making in challenging times. The character’s unwavering commitment to her beliefs and country compelled Williams to reflect on her own values and hypothetical responses in similar circumstances.
After filming, Williams described the process of reintegrating into her own life as a cleansing experience, allowing her to rediscover and appreciate aspects of her personal life that had been temporarily set aside during the intense filming period. The role of Catherine not only enriched her professional growth but also revitalized her personal relationships and sense of self, leading to a newfound sense of freedom and self-awareness.
This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.