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Unveiling Langley Native Amanda Crew’s Personal Journey in a Psychological Thriller

The latest film is designed to leave viewers with lingering questions.

“My friends keep messaging me, asking, ‘I watched your movie. What’s the deal?‘” shared the lead actor, a native of Langley, during a recent virtual chat.

The narrative revolves around Eve (portrayed by Crew), who abandons her aspirations to reside on a tropical island with her spouse. It is on this island that she encounters a mysterious woman who gradually assumes control over Eve’s life. Struggling in the aftermath of a personal tragedy, Eve undergoes a visible unraveling. Is she the target of a sinister scheme orchestrated by her husband? Is she undergoing a mental breakdown? Or is it all a figment of her imagination? Well, the conclusion is left to the audience to discern.

This aspect brings satisfaction to Crew.

“You go through the same gaslighting journey that Eve undergoes. It leaves you pondering what transpired,” expressed the lead. “I believe that might be Joel, the director’s (Joel David Moore), intention. I appreciate that it prompts everyone to question and discuss it.”

However, when asked about her interpretation, Crew responds with a cryptic answer that could rival a seasoned politician’s evasion tactics.

“I have my own understanding. Yet, I don’t wish to impose my interpretation on others because I believe that’s the essence of art,” shared Crew.

Amanda Crew Amanda Crew, a native of Langley, faced a challenging task embodying Eve, a character who undergoes a profound transformation in the new film, Some Other Woman. Image courtesy of Vortex Media Inc./Thomas Williamson /sun

Director Moore, renowned for his role as Dr. Norm Spellman in the Avatar series, is delighted that the film is sparking dialogues.

“It’s truly invigorating,” Moore expressed via virtual conferencing. “It’s beneficial for viewers to be left with inquiries post-screening.”

With the film now accessible in theaters and on demand, Moore eagerly anticipates further feedback on the storyline.

“I welcome polarizing reviews on this. I didn’t create a romantic comedy where all the answers are handed out along the way. What’s the purpose of that? It’s not my style as a filmmaker,” remarked Moore.

Joel David Moore Director Joel David Moore, captured on the set of his recent production, Some Other Woman, is content that this psychological thriller will leave viewers with lingering uncertainties. Image courtesy of Vortex Media Inc./Thomas Williamson /sun

A narrative filled with twists, shot out of sequence in the Cayman Islands, Some Other Woman presented unique creative hurdles for Crew.

“Each film poses distinct challenges, but this one particularly required me to outline her entire journey. I devised a numbering system to track our progress and what had transpired before, given the frequent alterations where I needed to maintain continuity,” disclosed Crew. “Joel was instrumental in keeping track as well. There was a logistical aspect that demanded thorough planning, followed by embracing the chaos.”

Crew revealed her immediate connection with Eve upon reading the script. Recalling her own battle with an eating disorder a few years back, Crew recounted encountering an emotional barrier that left her feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

“I had a moment where it hit me that despite having everything, I wasn’t content,” shared Crew, who calls Los Angeles her home. “It resonated with Eve’s experience, like the ground disintegrating beneath you, and nothing seems coherent anymore… Nothing sufficed. I felt completely shattered and disoriented. It was a perplexing period for me.”

Eve’s confrontation with her reality mirrored an emotional expedition that Crew felt adept at portraying. After all, it mirrored a narrative she was intimately familiar with.

“Portraying that felt like a poignant opportunity to channel my own encounter,” reflected Crew. “I’ve triumphed over an eating disorder, endured hardships, yet this phase of my life, this reckoning, felt like the most arduous challenge I’ve ever encountered.”

The filming transpired over a span of 15 days in the summer of 2021 amidst the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sequestered on the Caribbean island, the cast and crew, following a two-week quarantine, embarked on creating this film unhindered, given the absence of COVID cases on the island at that time.

“It was truly a blessing and a delight to escape the pandemic and engage in filmmaking. Throughout, I kept reminding myself that such an experience is rare. I cherished every moment,” shared Crew. “Despite the challenges, it was profoundly cathartic. I relished every bit of it.”