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Exclusive Interview: Kelly Rutherford’s Inspiring Journey to Rebuilding Life Post 2015 Custody Loss

It has been 15 years since the former star engaged in a protracted – and expensive – custody dispute with her ex-husband, German businessman Daniel Giersch.

When the separation from Giersch, 49, occurred, their son Hermes was 2 years old, and Rutherford was expecting daughter Helena. Despite the typical scenario of couples parting ways with a 50-50 joint custody arrangement, the judge ruled differently due to Giersch’s revoked work visa, which prevented his return to the U.S. Consequently, the judge mandated that the children reside with him full-time, necessitating Rutherford, 55, to relocate there or make regular trips to see her children.

The ruling came as a shock, prompting Rutherford to invest significant time and resources in her unsuccessful pursuit of reclaiming full custody of her children in the U.S. Out of desperation one summer, she made the decision to keep the children in the U.S. after a six-week visit, defying the court order.

Ultimately, the children were returned to Monaco as per the court order, and Rutherford, having expended close to $2 million in legal fees and declaring bankruptcy, gradually retreated from the public eye.

Nearly ten years later, reflecting on that tumultuous period, Rutherford acknowledges the journey towards finding peace and contentment.

“Sometimes we just need to withdraw and focus on our children, allowing ourselves time to heal and recuperate,” Rutherford shares with PEOPLE from her residence in Monaco, her base when not traveling.

Following the challenging court decision, she has endeavored to savor the past decade primarily by embracing motherhood and exploring non-entertainment ventures. “It has been incredibly beneficial and rewarding for me,” she affirms.

Transitioning back into the limelight, the actress, known for her roles in soap operas, dramas like Melrose Place, and the popular series Gossip Girl, has subtly reemerged with appearances at Paris Fashion Week, garnering praise for her timeless style. Additionally, she has returned to television, starring in the French soap opera Escort Boys.

“As my children grow older, they are encouraging me to pursue my own path,” she remarks. “With them being teenagers now, engrossed in their friends and activities, my focus lately has been on myself, my work, and my travels, alongside my canine companions.”

Reflecting on the past, Rutherford now openly acknowledges the anguish endured during the highly publicized custody battle.

“Yes, it was a trying and heart-wrenching period. Yet, I choose to dwell on the positives most of the time,” she reflects. “I am immensely grateful for where we stand today and the strong bond I share with my children.”

She emphasizes, “We were never completely estranged.”

In terms of relinquishing any resentments or bitterness, Rutherford underscores the importance of personal choice in her journey.

“Maintaining love in your heart is crucial,” she asserts. “While many may not have encountered circumstances similar to mine, navigating challenging relationships with their children is not uncommon. It’s about healing, evolving, and embracing the lessons learned. Witnessing the growth and success of your children is truly gratifying.”

Unexpectedly, Rutherford has become a social media sensation, particularly renowned for her elevator selfies showcasing her daily attire.

“Social media has always been a natural platform for me,” she explains. “I manage my posts independently, sharing quotes I resonate with, devoid of a focus on numbers or likes. I believe in radiating positive energy into the world, especially in today’s context.”

When reflecting on overcoming her darkest moments, Rutherford attributes surrender and release as pivotal factors.

“I firmly believe in surrender and letting go. Engaging in battles or resistance often exacerbates the situation. The key is to endure, as things eventually take a turn for the better.”