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Johnson Emphasizes Urgency of Tackling Homelessness as Vital Issue at VA Visit

Mayor Johnson advocated for the Bring Chicago Home ballot initiative while touring the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center on Thursday. This visit followed a court ruling that determined votes would be included in the referendum.

During the tour of the hospital’s services for homeless veterans, Johnson emphasized the importance of voting, stating, “I’m encouraging everyone to get out and vote because addressing homelessness, a humanitarian crisis in the city of Chicago, is a matter of life and death. But most importantly, it’s a matter of making sure that people have dignity and that they find their purpose.”

If approved, the measure would raise the tax on luxury real estate transactions to generate around \(100 million annually for homeless services. Properties valued above \)1 million would face a higher tax rate, while those below this threshold would receive a tax reduction.

The real estate industry opposed the referendum leading up to the March 19 primary election. However, an appellate court decision on Wednesday instructed election officials to proceed with counting the votes, overturning a previous ruling by a circuit court judge.

Mayor Brandon Johnson interacted with Vietnam War veteran Otis Hampton during his tour of the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center before engaging in a roundtable discussion on homeless veterans and the Bring Chicago Home initiative.

Johnson engaged with social workers and healthcare providers at the medical center, who assist veterans in accessing various services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, including housing options, primary medical care, support for victims of interpersonal violence, and reentry programs post-incarceration.

Regina Freeman, the deputy chief of the medical center’s social work program, described Jesse Brown as a comprehensive resource hub for homeless veterans or those at risk of homelessness, offering services from community organizations and government programs at all levels.

Nicole Bowden, a veteran who previously experienced homelessness, shared her story of how VA services helped her rebuild her life. Following her military service, Bowden faced homelessness upon returning to Chicago. However, a visit to a VA clinic in Auburn-Gresham marked a turning point in her life trajectory.

Diagnosed and treated for PTSD and bipolar disorder, Bowden secured stable housing, engaged in support groups, pursued higher education, and ultimately earned a bachelor’s degree from Chicago State University.

Bowden, now employed as a peer support specialist at the VA, reflected on her journey, stating, “I had gotten lost somewhere, and I had to get me back. Getting stable housing meant I was able to focus on my education, on my son.”

Returning to Jesse Brown in a professional capacity, Bowden expressed her desire to support fellow veterans, inspired by the assistance she received during her challenging times.