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Luton Defender Lockyer Shares Harrowing Near-Death Experience

Luton captain Tom Lockyer disclosed that he experienced a cardiac arrest on the pitch, with his heart stopping for two minutes and 40 seconds, putting his life in jeopardy. This incident occurred during Luton’s Premier League match against Bournemouth on December 16. Following this harrowing event, the 29-year-old underwent hospitalization for five days and received an implantable cardioverter defibrillator.

Lockyer, a Wales defender, recounted the terrifying moment when he collapsed, emphasizing that it happened suddenly despite feeling completely normal. He vividly described the disorientation and fear he felt upon regaining consciousness, realizing the severity of the situation compared to a previous collapse he experienced.

The player expressed gratitude for being revived after the critical two-minute and 40-second period, acknowledging the mix of emotions he went through during the ordeal. Lockyer highlighted the distress his family endured while witnessing the event, particularly noting the impact on his pregnant girlfriend and his mother listening to the radio updates.

Despite the traumatic experience, Lockyer remains hopeful about returning to professional football, pending further medical evaluations and approval. He emphasized the importance of following medical advice and undergoing necessary tests before considering a comeback to the sport.