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How Multiple Sclerosis Shaped My Life: Balancing Determination and Compassion

As a determined 3-year-old, I spent every recess conquering the monkey bars, never giving up despite countless falls and blisters from the hot Florida sun. This fierce determination became a cornerstone of my character. In 2006, at 16, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease that demanded every ounce of my tenacity as I battled severe mobility issues, spasticity, and blindness from numerous relapses.

I approached each challenge with relentless resolve, eventually discovering that nutrition could help manage my symptoms. This led me to pursue a career in dietetics, pushing myself through college despite my deteriorating physical condition. By 25, after completing my education and an intense internship, my physical limitations became insurmountable, and my relentless drive began to take a toll on my health.

Realizing that sheer determination alone was unsustainable, I learned the importance of balancing grit with grace. Treating MS like those monkey bars, I pushed through with persistence but neglected the need for rest and self-compassion. Grace, for me, meant showing kindness, patience, and acceptance of my circumstances, letting go of perfectionism, and reaching out for support.

Adding grace to my journey transformed everything. Embracing help, I found a supportive community and renewed faith in my goals. In 2016, I underwent a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in Moscow, which provided a new future, allowing me to live relapse-free for eight years and pursue a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine.

The battle with MS taught me to merge my career with my personal health journey, leading me to work with autoimmune clients. Despite ongoing challenges from the disease and its treatments, my drive now focuses on easing others’ paths and avoiding the pitfalls I encountered. Through this column, I aim to inspire hope and motivation, sharing both grit and grace with you on this journey.