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Revitalization of a Historic Utah Cannery Sparks Renewed Interest in Eden

Eden, Utah—A significant piece of Utah’s history has been revitalized thanks to an Eden-based investor and the proprietor of Blacksmith Village and Sunnyfield Farm. In 2015, the investor acquired the historic West Point Cannery to prevent its impending demolition. The structure has since been carefully deconstructed and reconstructed using its original materials within Blacksmith Village, located in Eden, Utah.

Originally established in 1925, the West Point Cannery was erected as a canning facility, creating job opportunities for 63 individuals in the local community. Situated near 3100 West and 300 North in West Point, the cannery specialized in canning locally grown tomatoes and operated continuously until the 1950s. Following years of disuse, the building faced the threat of demolition before being saved by Sunnyfield.

A spokesperson from Sunnyfield expressed, “Preserving a piece of Utah’s history was paramount to us. Witnessing the potential wastage of this beautiful building, we were compelled to take action. Given our recent restoration of Sunnyfield Farm and the incorporation of historic elements into Blacksmith Village, relocating the cannery seemed like a natural fit. The proximity to Sunnyfield Farm aligns with the historical practice of situating canneries near farms to ensure the freshest produce for canning. This relocation presents an opportunity to revive canning and fresh produce initiatives in our community, marking a new chapter in the legacy of this iconic building.”

Every component of the original structure, including bricks, posts, and various elements, was carefully preserved until 2022 when the disassembled pieces of the cannery were transported to Eden for meticulous reconstruction. Approximately 80,000 original bricks and 80,000 pounds of reclaimed wood were salvaged and repurposed in the reconstruction process.

During the reconstruction, adjustments were made to align with contemporary building standards and codes. The brick walls were replaced with cinderblock, while the original bricks were integrated into both the exterior and interior walls, resulting in walls that are 19 inches thick. Furthermore, some original load-bearing wooden beams were replaced with steel I-beams to facilitate a free-span design. The reclaimed wood was also incorporated into various design and structural elements of the new space. The final structure spans 7,500 square feet and is nearing completion, with an expected finish date in early February 2024.