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Baylor’s Hellenic Society: Pioneering Greek Life

The Hellenic Society offers a space for Greek students to immerse themselves in Greek culture while establishing enduring connections with fellow students.

Established in the autumn of 2023, the Hellenic Society at Baylor University celebrates Greek heritage with the aim of fostering a sense of belonging among students of Greek descent. Engaging in various customs such as traditional dances and communal meals, members partake in these cultural experiences.

“Our primary objective is to create a sense of community and cultivate friendships and bonds,” remarked George Kolovos, the club’s vice president and a junior from Chicago.

While predominantly comprised of Greek students, the Hellenic Society also welcomes non-Greek attendees to its gatherings and activities, offering them insights into both ancient and contemporary Greek traditions. Kolovos likened the Hellenic Society to “the original Greek Life.”

“Even individuals outside the Greek community enjoy learning about our dances, language, and history, as there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained,” Kolovos added.

Dino Alexopoulos, the club’s treasurer and a junior from Houston, noted the prevalent influence of Greek culture in major metropolitan areas like his hometown. Upon relocating to Waco, Alexopoulos longed for the communal spirit he had experienced growing up, which he found by joining the Hellenic Society and participating in its rich traditions.

“At my church in my hometown, we always held a Greek Fest where I used to be one of the dancers,” shared Alexopoulos. “It was a fantastic experience, not only sharing our culture within the church but also welcoming outsiders to witness our true essence.”

Despite being a nascent organization, the Hellenic Society has ambitious plans under the leadership of club president Dimitrios Gkinis, a senior from Houston. Gkinis envisions organizing Greek-themed nights and large-scale events, with Alexopoulos eagerly anticipating dancing alongside his peers at these gatherings.

In addition to its social activities, the Hellenic Society is committed to educating its members about Greek culture. The club’s mission statement highlights its offering of “a distinctive fusion of educational and cultural engagements.”

Gkinis, a native of Athens, is well-versed in ancient Greek, having studied it for five years. Furthermore, Gkinis, Alexopoulos, and Kolovos are proficient in modern Greek.

To promote awareness of Greek heritage, the Hellenic Society intends to provide complimentary modern Greek lessons on a weekly basis, delving into the connections between the contemporary dialect and its ancient and biblical roots.

“We are championing Hellenism in Waco,” declared Gkinis.

Despite Waco’s seemingly unconventional association with Greek culture, the Hellenic Society has made significant strides and garnered acclaim in its inaugural year. Gkinis attributes this achievement to the vibrancy of Greek culture, which places a strong emphasis on hospitality.

The Hellenic Society convenes every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Marrs McLean Science Building. Students interested in joining can reach out to the Hellenic Society board via its [contact information] or follow its activities on Instagram.