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Community-Led Plan by Harambee Residents Enhances Quality of Life | Milwaukee Neighborhood News

The presentation of the Quality of Life plan in Milwaukee’s Harambee neighborhood was a collaborative effort involving more than 250 residents, demonstrating the community’s commitment to working together, as highlighted by Theodore Lipscomb Sr., executive director of Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC), during the event on Feb. 29.

The Harambee Quality of Life initiative, initiated by LISC Milwaukee in 2021, aims to empower residents by incorporating their input into the neighborhood’s development plans. The boundaries of Harambee span from Capitol Drive to North Avenue and Interstate 43 to Holton Street, as outlined in the Quality of Life plan.

Residents actively engaged in defining shared goals focused on resident governance, community safety, housing, economic and community development, and neighborhood communication for the next five years. This participatory approach underscores the importance of community involvement in shaping the future of Harambee.

Key strategies within the plan include promoting affordable homeownership, enhancing safety measures, and fostering community connections. The emphasis on communication, partnerships, and engagement with public officials resonated with attendees like Shirley Warren, who praised the plan’s comprehensive and well-organized nature.

The comprehensive 36-page plan, accessible online, details strategies and measures for achieving the outlined goals. Additionally, LISC Milwaukee, in collaboration with Wells Fargo, has invested $200,000 in the initiative, reflecting a commitment to supporting community-driven development efforts.

To ensure resident-driven decision-making, the steering committee, co-led by Travis Landry, regional vice president of WestCare Wisconsin, actively involved residents in shaping the plan. Through virtual community sessions and events, residents had the opportunity to contribute their ideas and visions for Harambee’s future.

Community members interested in joining work groups focused on various priorities can connect with Ruth Weill, Riverworks’ community engagement coordinator, for more information on how to get involved.

The engagement of residents and the collaborative approach taken in developing the Quality of Life plan exemplify the community’s dedication to creating a vibrant and inclusive neighborhood.