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Oklahoma Friends Form Strong Bond Through Kidney Donation Gift

Two individuals, Carly Rae and Chitra Ayyaru Franks, exhibit stark differences in their personalities, yet an unbreakable bond is forged based on their inner qualities.

In a heartwarming segment on Thursday night’s Something Good, News 9’s Mike Glover delves into their extraordinary friendship.

Their paths crossed serendipitously during their tenure at Tyler Media, where Chitra excelled in sales while Carly thrived in the realm of country radio.

The rapport between them was instantaneous, fostering shared experiences at numerous concerts and even navigating significant life events like confirmation together. Carly fondly recalls how Chitra assumed the role of her daughter’s Godmother, solidifying their deep connection.

The news of Chitra’s battle with breast cancer in 2015, followed by a debilitating stroke, profoundly impacted Carly, prompting moments of realization about the fragility of life.

Despite Chitra’s health struggles, especially concerning her kidneys, which she concealed from most, the medical team at INTEGRIS worked tirelessly to prevent her Stage 4 kidney failure from progressing to Stage 5.

With a pressing need for a kidney transplant and a daunting wait time of four to five years due to her blood type, Chitra eventually confided in her dear friend, Carly.

In a poignant revelation, Carly disclosed her unwavering support and willingness to undergo testing for compatibility, which yielded an unexpected and joyous outcome – a 100 percent match.

The transplant day arrived, with Dr. Shea Samara preparing for what he considers a miraculous yet routine procedure. He emphasizes the profound impact of organ donations from living donors, often friends, likening each transplant to a momentous occasion.

Carly, displaying remarkable composure and gratitude, shared her sentiments moments before the surgery, highlighting her perspective on the day’s events.

For Chitra, the transplant marked a moment of introspection and gratitude for the newfound lease on life, courtesy of her friend’s selfless act.

The intricate procedure, spanning approximately six hours, culminated in a successful transplant, with Chitra waking up to a renewed sense of vitality, thanks to Carly’s life-changing gift.

As the two friends reunited post-surgery, emotions ran high, with Carly expressing overwhelming joy at witnessing Chitra’s improved state of health and vitality.

In a touching moment of reflection, Chitra acknowledges Carly’s profound impact on her life, viewing her through a lens of gratitude and newfound appreciation for the gift of life she received.