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Former Gang Member’s Tale of Departing from Crip Gang

In the wake of a recent uptick in youth violence, a former member of the Crip gang sheds light on the pervasive menace of gang-related violence in Acadiana.

Pastor Charles Banks, a former affiliate of the Original Gangster Crip group, openly discussed his experiences with gang violence.

Reflecting on the widespread violence spanning from Carencro to Lafayette, New Iberia, and Crowley, Banks remarked, “The daily news is filled with incidents of violence, from Carencro to Lafayette, New Iberia, and Crowley. The immediate connection that comes to mind is gang-related activities and violence.”

He recounted troubling events like shootings in Carencro and Crowley, highlighting the community’s perception of these incidents as tied to gang violence. Banks lamented, “The community frequently attributes such acts of violence to gang-related activities. The underlying reasons and circumstances remain unclear, yet witnessing this surge in violence across Acadiana is truly disheartening.”

Originating from the Crips of Little Rock, Arkansas, Banks revealed his tumultuous history, including imprisonment, a period on the most-wanted list, and surviving a gunshot wound.

Sharing his past allegiance to the Crips, Banks disclosed, “I was deeply immersed in the blue fabric of the gang. I was willing to harm even my own family, including my son, who considered joining the Bloods. The path I walked was ruthless, characterized by sacrifices that brought me to where I am today.”

However, a pivotal moment in Banks’s life came with the passing of his mother, triggering a profound change. “There reaches a moment when avoiding consequences is futile, and divine intervention compels surrender,” shared Banks. “On March 23, 2004, I laid down my weapons and former life, embracing a new journey dedicated to the Lord. The realization struck me that I must be a guiding light and paternal figure for my 12 children, steering them away from the dangers of my past.”

Recognizing the grim outcomes awaiting gang members—incarceration or death—Banks emphasized his shift from a life of violence, embracing the motto “From Crip to Christ.”

In tackling the appeal of gang associations for young individuals facing peer pressure or seeking acceptance, Banks calls for intervention by former community OGs. Encouraging these individuals to share their transformative experiences with the younger generation, Banks stresses the importance of reaching those most susceptible to such influences.

Emphasizing the vital role of parental engagement, Banks urges guardians to actively connect with their children and seek help when necessary. He calls on the community to cooperate with law enforcement in combating violence, highlighting the shared responsibility to protect the youth and uphold the community’s welfare.

As a motivational speaker dedicated to raising awareness on gang-related issues and promoting community dialogue, Banks offers his assistance to those in need of guidance or support in addressing these critical issues.