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Revamp Your Furniture Design in LA: Say Goodbye to Bland Beige Sofas!

Los Angeles, often referred to as the city of make-believe, serves as a hub where stories materialize, fantasies transition to screen, and individuals immerse themselves in alternate personas. It is no surprise that this vibrant city nurtures design concepts that are whimsical, innovative, and deeply rooted in storytelling.

Leah Ring, the principal at Another Human, expresses, “A significant portion of my collections draw inspiration from fantasy and nostalgia. I aim to craft a realm where observers can fully engage.” Ring characterizes her creations as “world building,” with her interior designs and furniture pieces resembling vivid, peculiar, and enchanting film sets.

Joining a fresh cohort of designers in Los Angeles, Ring and studios like Objects for Objects and Adi Goodrich are gaining recognition for their playful, colorful, and occasionally cartoonish furniture designs. Departing from the prevailing trend of neutral, minimalist decor, Ring advocates, “Life is far too brief to settle for a beige couch.”

In her latest series, Galliforms (2023), Ring embarks on a journey inspired by a “1960s bored suburban housewife vibe,” a witty nod to her relocation to Pasadena. Collaborating with her husband, artist Adam de Boer, the collection features chunky lacquered forms animated by lime green and peach spheres, alongside a striking paisley pattern in matching tones.

The exhibition of the Galliforms collection at INTRO/LA in November showcased the city’s diverse furniture design talent. Previous collections by Another Human, such as ET and Ferngully, pay homage to classic fantasy films through lighting fixtures adorned with pink and purple acrylic globules, a neon-orange perforated steel table, and sci-fi-influenced chairs reminiscent of “aliens.”

Los Angeles’s design landscape is evolving confidently, with a surge in recognition for local talent. Paul Valentine, a design agent and consultant, has been instrumental in catalyzing this momentum through initiatives like INTRO/LA shows and The Scene platform, dedicated to promoting the city’s design prowess.

The proximity to the film industry’s set builders and fabricators has notably influenced the design community in Los Angeles. Designers like Adi Goodrich, transitioning from set design to interiors and furniture, infuse their work with narrative elements, crafting immersive stories through their creations.

Embracing bold graphic silhouettes and vibrant colors, Goodrich’s debut furniture range, The Frunchroom (2022), challenges conventional design norms with its anti-capitalist ethos. Similarly, Objects for Objects, founded by Leonard Bessemer, introduces unconventional and experimental furniture pieces inspired by vibrant hues and whimsical forms.

The design ethos in Los Angeles thrives on individuality and experimentation, with designers like Ryan Belli and Luc Fuller pushing boundaries with their distinctive creations. Belli’s furniture pieces, reminiscent of Play-Doh sculptures, and Fuller’s vibrant, emoji-inspired designs underscore the city’s diverse and avant-garde design sensibilities.

In contrast to New York, often regarded as the epicenter of US design, Los Angeles fosters a more liberated approach to design, fueled by ample space and a culture that encourages creativity and self-expression. The city’s design community embraces a spirit of innovation and unconventionality, embodying a “Wild Wild West” ethos.