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Mothers Wage Tireless Campaign for Daughters Held in Gaza

A Mother’s Fear and Determination

Simona Steinbrecher clings to two contrasting images of her daughter, Doron—a vibrant young woman with a bright smile, and a recent, haunting photo showing her with a vacant expression, released by Hamas 107 days into her captivity. Doron, a 30-year-old veterinary nurse, was kidnapped from her home during the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7. Simona described receiving a terrifying call from Doron just moments before the abduction, marking the beginning of a harrowing ordeal.

A PHOTO OF 23-year-old hostage Romi Gonen, on one of the billboards in London that carry the question: ‘Where is your daughter sleeping tonight?’ The organizers vow ‘to publish images of our young women on billboards around the world until everyone calls for the release of all the hostages.’ (credit: Bring Them Home Now)
A PHOTO OF 23-year-old hostage Romi Gonen, on one of the billboards in London that carry the question: ‘Where is your daughter sleeping tonight?’ The organizers vow ‘to publish images of our young women on billboards around the world until everyone calls for the release of all the hostages.’ (credit: Bring Them Home Now)

The Plight of Hostages and a Mother’s Resolve

The conflict has escalated, with Israeli forces bombarding Gaza by land, sea, and air, resulting in significant casualties and destruction. Amid this chaos, some hostages have been released, revealing harrowing accounts of abuse, intensifying fears for those still held, including concerns of sexual violence and other atrocities. The international community remains divided on the response, but for Steinbrecher, the priority is clear: the safe return of her daughter and other hostages.

A Global Call for Action

As the plight of the abducted women gains international attention, mothers like Meirav Leshem Gonen, whose daughter Romi was also taken during the same attack, channel their grief into action. They have become vocal advocates for their daughters’ freedom, engaging with global leaders and media, and participating in rallies and interviews. This fight transcends personal agony, representing a broader struggle for justice and humanity in the face of unimaginable adversity. These mothers’ efforts underscore the profound impact of such crises on individual lives and the collective conscience of societies worldwide.