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Guiding an Online Support Community Called Trevor

I’ve never resented the name Trevor, but I’ve pondered it extensively. It’s not an uncommon name, just not very prevalent. I was named after the ambulance driver who transported my mother to the hospital just before my birth. Throughout my life, I’ve only come across one other individual named Trevor in person.

In the 1970s, it seemed that any TV character depicted as somewhat nerdy would be named Trevor. We weren’t portrayed as heroic or glamorous, which made me wish for a different name.

After a 35-year career as an engineer, I retired in 2020 to Monton, a village near Manchester, and dedicated two days a week to volunteering at an Age UK charity shop. Although enjoyable, after three years, I felt the need to pursue a more fulfilling and altruistic endeavor that would also stimulate my mind.

While financial resources may be limited, there is an abundance of skill, wisdom, and experience that can be shared at no cost. I envisioned creating a network of knowledgeable individuals named Trevor from various backgrounds who could assist one another by sharing their expertise. If a Trevor seeks advice, I simply connect them with the most suitable and willing individual via email. My goal was to assemble a group of adept Trevors (including those with the surname “Trevor”), knowing that they exist—it was just a matter of locating them.

My approach was simple. I reached out to professionals whose expertise I believed would be beneficial in daily scenarios. I conducted a basic search by Googling “Trevor professional” to identify Trevors with skills such as photography, mechanics, and more. I aimed to identify ordinary individuals who excel in their respective fields. Recently, I contacted an audiologist, a public-speaking expert known as Trevor the Toastmaster, a botanist, a photographer, and a golf professional.

Approximately one out of every 30 individuals responds. For instance, Trevor the full-stack website developer expressed willingness to assist, stating, “This is a bit unusual, but I’ll help if I can.”

I acknowledge that this project is unconventional, but it is driven by good intentions. For example, when someone inquired about antidepressants, I connected them with a Trevor who is a clinical practitioner. While he doesn’t prescribe medications, he can provide guidance in the right direction.

Currently, I have enlisted 11 or 12 Trevors. I believe that having around 25 to 30 participants would suffice for now. I am also open to individuals with unique talents. For instance, there is a poet, counselor, and funeral celebrant residing in Bristol who has volunteered to deliver eulogies for individuals named Trevor or their loved ones in Bristol.

I commenced work on the website in August last year. Since was already taken and Trevors United seemed too sports-oriented, I opted for [Website Name], which offers a pleasing alliteration. A data analytics and management company generously offered to assist me with data management at no cost.

To promote the initiative, I began advertising in Private Eye in October when the website was launched. The total expenditure on advertising and website development has been under £200. I prefer not to allocate substantial funds to this project; it is more about enjoyment and creativity. Maintaining a free platform is crucial to me—there should be absolutely no financial transactions among site users.

Essentially, I am facilitating connections between people. The ultimate goal of is to aid anyone, irrespective of their name. However, for the time being, the focus is on Trevors to ensure manageability. This endeavor has become my primary occupation from 9 to 5. The personal rewards are evident. It brings me joy to contribute positively, and it truly excites me. I have realized that, like myself, others derive satisfaction from assisting others.

Through my involvement in Trevors Together, my perception of my name has evolved. Trevors are now combating the nerdy stereotype that has plagued us for so long in the most constructive manner. I have developed a genuine fondness for my name. I appreciate the rarity of the name Trevor and aspire for it to symbolize empathy, kindness, and generosity.