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Cola Rescues Donkey from Life-Threatening Situation

By Josie Adnitt via

A donkey has successfully recovered from a life-threatening condition after receiving treatment with 24 liters of cola. Joey the donkey fell seriously ill due to a significant blockage of food in his stomach, a condition known as gastric impaction. The veterinary team at The Donkey Sanctuary formulated a treatment plan for Joey, administering 24 liters of cola in total, at a rate of six liters per day, through a nasal tube. It is important to note that cola should not be given to healthy donkeys under normal circumstances.

The veterinarians described the cola as having a similar effect to drain cleaner, effectively breaking down the blockage and aiding Joey in his recovery. Jamie Forrest, a veterinary surgeon at the Sidmouth sanctuary, explained that the cola’s properties helped dissolve the blockage, allowing the ingesta to pass through. This intensive treatment involved the daily administration of six liters of full-sugar cola, divided into three treatments over four days, to soften and dissolve the impactions in Joey’s stomach.

Joey, a 15-year-old donkey, had stopped eating following the passing of his elderly mother, Josie, which veterinarians suspect may have contributed to the development of his condition. Throughout the cola treatment, Joey was placed on a restricted diet, with the sugar content in the drink serving to prevent hyperlipaemia, a potentially fatal condition caused by the accumulation of fatty acids in the blood.

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Hyperlipaemia, a condition common in donkeys and ponies, poses a serious health risk as it can lead to fat buildup in the blood, potentially resulting in fatality. Fortunately, after four days of treatment, Joey showed signs of improvement, confirmed through a gastroscopy procedure that revealed the clearance of the blockage. Concurrently, Joey was introduced to another grieving donkey named Ben, with the hope that their companionship would provide mutual comfort in their time of loss. The bond between the two animals flourished, and Joey successfully recovered from his unconventional treatment.

Expressing satisfaction with Joey’s recovery, Jamie remarked on the severity of the impaction and the uncertainty surrounding the treatment’s continuation. Despite the challenges, Joey’s resilience and the team’s dedication led to a positive outcome, culminating in his full recovery.