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Indulge in Life’s Simple Pleasures with Angela Hartnett’s Crisps Sandwich Recipe

Growing up, I was aware of the distinct culinary choices in our household. Our upbringing was heavily influenced by Italian cuisine. My mother frequently prepared dishes like torta di patate (potato pie) or torta di spinaci (spinach pie), which were not common among other children. Additionally, my grandmother’s homemade bread was a rarity. Despite this, familiar fast-food chains like McDonald’s and carbonated beverages were not part of our regular consumption.

While I take pride in my British heritage, my allegiance lies with Italy during the World Cup, much to the chagrin of my football companions. I vividly recall celebrating Italy’s victory in the Euros in 2021, proudly sporting my Italian jersey at a local pub. Some of my friends, including one of my godchildren, still tease me about my choice. This preference often makes me feel more connected to my Italian roots than my British identity.

I have come to the realization that I need to refrain from hosting lunch gatherings as my guests tend to linger well into the evening, sometimes even until midnight. Transitioning to dinner events seems more appropriate as it discourages prolonged stays.

My time working with Gordon Ramsay taught me the paramount importance of consistency in culinary endeavors. While some may perceive him as intense, I consider Gordon to be a brilliant mentor and an exceptionally skilled chef. He emphasized the necessity of ensuring that each meal meets the same high standards, debunking the misconception that culinary excellence is solely about ambiance and presentation. Consistency is key.

Contrary to having a sweet tooth, I have a penchant for savory snacks, particularly plain crisps. I avoid purchasing flavored varieties as I find them unnecessary. One of life’s simple pleasures, in my opinion, is a crisps sandwich made with white bread, butter, and plain crisps.

If left to my own devices, I would eliminate desserts from my restaurant menu in favor of a cheese course. However, as a chef, I understand the importance of catering to the preferences of my diners while staying true to my culinary inclinations.

Though I attempted to watch “The Menu,” a 2022 film featuring Ralph Fiennes, I found the plot too intense due to its focus on murders. I have yet to watch “The Bear” simply because I am reluctant to subscribe to another streaming service. When seeking culinary entertainment, I find “Come Dine With Me” to be exceptionally amusing and enjoyable.

While we rarely have unsatisfactory meals at home, our dinner choices are not extravagant. I often prepare pasta dishes based on the ingredients available in our kitchen. On lazy evenings, we opt to dine at St John Bread and Wine, our local restaurant in London’s Spitalfields, indulging in welsh rarebit and salad due to a broken dishwasher and a lack of motivation to cook.

I thoroughly enjoy dancing to good music, especially at weddings where the atmosphere encourages everyone to join in. Occasionally, my husband and I share a dance in the kitchen, reveling in the joy of the moment.

My career brings me immense joy, despite the challenges that come with managing multiple businesses. The operational aspects have become more demanding, whereas the culinary aspect remains a passion for me. Cooking for customers and experiencing the thrill of serving exceptional dishes is truly gratifying.

My Favorite Things

  • Food: Roast chicken holds a special place in my heart for its warmth and comforting qualities. I particularly enjoy the accompaniments such as sage and onion stuffing, roast potatoes, flavorful gravy, and crispy chicken skin.
  • Drink: Campari and soda evoke memories of leisurely moments, whether by the beach or during the tranquil hours of 5 pm to 7 pm, observing the world go by in a bar. This drink symbolizes summer and the essence of Italy to me.
  • Place to eat: Selecting a favorite dining spot is challenging, but I must acknowledge the French House in Soho, where my husband showcases his exceptional culinary skills. The meals prepared by Neil never fail to impress me.
  • Dish to make: I take pleasure in preparing thin spaghetti in a rich tomato sauce. Slow-cooking tinned tomatoes with onions and garlic, infused with slightly crushed peperoncini for a spicy kick, creates a satisfying and flavorful dish.

Angela Hartnett holds the position of chef-patron at Murano in Mayfair, as well as Café Murano in Bermondsey, Covent Garden, and St James’s in London.