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Concerns Mount for Azerbaijani Activist’s Safety Following Navalny’s Tragic Passing

Baku, Azerbaijan —

The recent death of Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny in prison has sparked concerns about the safety of politically active detainees in Azerbaijan, including economist Gubad Ibadoglu.

Expressing apprehension for his brother’s well-being in detention, Ibadoglu’s sibling, Qalib Toghrul, shared with VOA, “As his family, we are worried that my brother may be physically destroyed in the conditions of the detention center.”

Toghrul recounted his last visit with Ibadoglu on February 17, noting a marked decline in his health. He expressed grave concern over the deliberate deterioration of his brother’s health, stating, “Now, I am unequivocally convinced that they are carrying out the process of purposefully destroying my brother’s body, part by part.”

The heightened sense of danger following Navalny’s demise has intensified anxieties regarding Ibadoglu’s safety. The chairman of the Democracy and Prosperity Party, Ibadoglu has been in custody since July 2023, facing charges related to financial crimes and possession of extremist materials, which he refutes as politically motivated.

Bahruz Maharramov, a member of the Azerbaijani Parliament, asserted that Ibadoglu’s arrest is not politically driven but based on specific allegations. He emphasized the importance of upholding legal rights and due process throughout the investigation.

Despite receiving IV treatments for his health issues at the Baku Pre-Trial Detention Center, Ibadoglu is reportedly denied adequate rest post-treatment, raising concerns about his well-being. Toghrul highlighted the authorities’ reluctance to transfer Ibadoglu to a specialized treatment facility for comprehensive care.

Requests for comments from relevant authorities regarding Ibadoglu’s situation, including the Penitentiary Service and investigative bodies, have yet to yield responses.

Concerns for Opposition Leader’s Family

The family of opposition leader Tofiq Yagublu has also expressed worries about his declining health, particularly noting significant weight loss. Yagublu, detained on fraud charges, is undergoing medical evaluations at the behest of Penitentiary Service.

Yagublu’s daughter, Nigar Hezi, underscored the need for heightened attention to political detainees in Azerbaijan following the recent deaths of Navalny and other activists in the region.

Yagublu, recognized as a prisoner of conscience by international organizations, has faced repeated arrests and is currently held in pretrial detention.

Global Appeals

Former U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Kauzlarich urged world leaders to advocate for the release of Gubad Ibadoglu during the Munich Security Conference, drawing parallels to Navalny’s tragic fate.

Various countries and entities, including the U.S. State Department and congressional members, have called for Ibadoglu’s immediate release. U.S. Representative David Rouzer introduced a resolution condemning the treatment of Ibadoglu and advocating for his well-being and release in engagements with the Azerbaijani government.

Despite international pressures, Ibadoglu’s pretrial detention was extended by three months on February 15.

This article was originally published by VOA’s Azerbaijani Service.