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Apply Now for Funding Opportunities in 2024 with Access LIFE

We are thrilled to announce the LIFE Calls for Proposals for 2024 and are eager to hear about your strategies for conserving nature, safeguarding the environment, combating climate change, and embracing the shift towards a Europe powered by clean energy.

As the primary initiative of the EU for financing nature conservation, environmental protection, climate actions, and clean energy projects, the LIFE Programme presents a unique opportunity to transform your concepts into tangible outcomes! If your project proposal gets approved, you could secure a share of the €571 million funding allocated for this year.

Intrigued? Visit LIFE Programme’s website, where you can access all the necessary information to proceed with your application. Ensure you register for the upcoming virtual event, where experts will walk you through the application process and provide detailed insights on how to craft a successful proposal.

LIFE Calls for Proposals 2024 Overview (Open from 18 April 2024) with Indicative Budgets:

Standard Action Projects (SAPs)

  • Nature and biodiversity – €155 million
  • Circular economy and quality of life – €65 million
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation – €61.98 million
  • Clean energy transition – €4 million
  • New European Bauhaus – €8 million
  • Environmental governance – €10 million

Coordination and Support Action Grants (CSAs)

  • Clean energy transition – €77.25 million

Strategic Integrated Projects (SNAPs/SIPs) – €150 million

Technical Assistance for Preparation for SIPs and SNAPs (TA-PP), Replication, Capacity Building, or Legislative & Policy Priorities – €26.1 million

Specific Operating Grant Agreements for NGOs – €14.37 million

Where to Learn More?

Explore the various types of LIFE project grants, application deadlines, and more details on the official page!

Additionally, we are organizing a series of virtual sessions from 23-26 April 2024 to assist potential applicants throughout the process. Find out more about the sessions and registration details here.

The European Commission’s website is now live, providing comprehensive information on the LIFE Calls for Proposals 2024 and guidelines on submitting your application.

Eligibility Criteria

We are particularly keen to engage with businesses, academic institutions, national, regional, and local governments, as well as civil society organizations (including NGOs) operating within the EU and focusing on nature conservation, environmental protection, climate action, or the clean energy transition. LIFE supports innovative, impactful projects with demonstrable outcomes, as well as best practice initiatives that can be replicated and scaled up across Europe. Project proposals for LIFE can be submitted by a single entity or in collaboration with multiple partners – please review the funding topic details carefully before applying.

Program Background

The LIFE Programme serves as the EU’s financial tool for environmental initiatives, encompassing nature conservation, climate action, and the transition to clean energy. Since its inception in 1992, it has nurtured green initiatives and supported over 6,000 projects throughout the EU and in other regions. For the 2021-2027 period, the European Commission has boosted the LIFE Programme funding by nearly 60% to €5.4 billion, introducing the new clean energy transition sub-programme. Projects funded by the LIFE Programme are overseen by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).